We are LTGD, we started back in GW1 as a PvX guild and moved through many different phases. We’ve covered things such as PvE, PvP,GvG,SC’s. Now we are in Guild Wars 2 to try our hand at that! We’ve been around for many years and have some loyal and dedicated players. We have a website (ltgd.freeiz.com) a Ventrilo server (all members are welcome to use) and a friendly environment to play in!
We’re on the Ehmery bay server looking for:
Complete New Guys (We dont mind teaching!)
WvW Players
Story Line Players
Basically Anyone That Thinks They Might Enjoy Our Guild. Please Visit The Site For More Details.
Site – ltgd.freeiz.com
Leaders –
The Shadowed Fox
Rinny Tin Sin
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