Showing Posts For ThePropagation.3692:
For the people saying Asuran weapons are already to big look at some of the images on page one they are a perfect example of the problem. I don’t think they need to be “WAY” bigger as some people said just a little bigger and move to the proper position the reason they are to small is because the great sword for example sits at the waist of an Asuran rather than the hilt sitting at the shoulder like with all other races .
If the weapons were moved to the right position they wouldn’t clip the ground and could be increased in size by a decent enough amount to make the details of the weapons bearably visible.
But since this thread was moved and has a moderator tag on it I doubt we will see any kind of response sadly a new thread may be needed.
I have a guardian at 80 and a warrior at 43 and so far I’ve enjoy the warrior hammer more it just feels better like it’s a heavy hitter when I’m using my guardian hammer I feel like I’m swinging at air sometimes except for might blow which is awesome on flat ground.
I enjoy the control of the warrior hammer although its something they both have but for me it’s just more fun on my warrior
But the protection retaliation combo of the guardian hammer is ace when combined with altruistic healing.
Best thing to do is try them both and see which you enjoy more.
Male Asura – “And now , to destroy you !”
1 Hand sword / Shield Crit type. Is it a viable build for PVE/PVP/WV3?
in Guardian
Posted by: ThePropagation.3692
Creed you should give focus a try as well it has a ranged blind which grants regeneration
and a shield ability that blocks up to 3 attacks and it explodes after a certain time if it does not use up all the blocks doing a decent bit of damage for solo play id say its much better than a shield.
I wish we could get some kind of response about this. Is it even on the radar for Arena Net that this is a problem for people trying to enjoy Asura characters. Didn’t they say it was sad to see so few playing Asura and Charr well fix this and that might change ! for the Asura at least.
I know a few people who turned away from Asura or wont even bother to try them simply because of the horrible weapon size and placement.
I agree the weapon placement is much further down closer to the waist rather than the shoulder .
There already is some great examples in the thread.
But I don’t understand why Arena Net thought that this weapon size and placement was a good choice to begin with.
I play a level 80 Asura Guardian and a 48 Asura Necro but it has finally got to me! I cant stand not being able to see my weapons properly. I’m currently considering other races for my new character until this is looked at!
Axe + Shield / Rifle or a Long Bow in WvW I like to shield bash in the fire field of the long bow !
@ at Brutaly
I do understand that the damage coming from the Hammer # 2 ability is good and the range makes it hard to escape from, But I seem to spend most of my time trying to set up the Hammer #1 protection field for the protection and retaliation and that first combo set I feel lacks. Don’t get me wrong I love the hammer and I want to make it work but so far I’m having a hard time finding a build that works for me and so far the biggest crit I’ve seen from that #2 ability is about 2k but I don’t spend to much time looking at the numbers during a fight. When even with my tankish build on my Warrior my auto attack combo can reach crits of 8oo to 1000 dmg and then the burst of Eviscerate it allows me to still hold my own while surviving longer.
I could be missing something and I’m still playing with my guardian to try and find a build that I can work with.
(also there is nothing as satisfying as launching someone over a ledge with the hammer #4)
I have a Guardian at 80 and currently working on a Warrior which is at 40 and for PvP at least I find my warrior to be more survivable ( as I cant speak fully for my warrior as its only 40 ). Dont get me wrong I feel the guardian has plenty of stalling tactics with blocks and the Constant protection when running a hammer can be nice but the crap damage of the hammer I feel lets it down also considering the speed of the final swing to set it up.
I also Agree with George that our weapons need looking at.
As for my warrior in PvP is sitting nice with 31k + hp 1hnd axe and shield and 1hnd axe does nice damage, im no 2hnd spam warrior but I get the job done. I also have healing shouts to support myself and allies and my shield block reflect projectiles . I ll run with hammer off hand for control or rifle for ranged ( thinking of trying a full hammer build for war aswell )
Well the Armour displayed in the selection screen depends on the Race.
If we know that it would be easy to answer the question.
After checking some show a mix of Armour’s but most are Racial Armour sets.
(edited by ThePropagation.3692)