Showing Posts For TheShadow.6205:

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: TheShadow.6205


So uhm… What is Darkhaven trying to achieve right now? I thought you wanted a new match up, at least one without DR in it?

Equalizing the score between IoJ and DR by pushing into our BL when IoJ is already doing just that, is going to reduce the amount of rating points DH gain, and decrease the amount of rating points that IoJ lose. This will lead to a much longer match up between these three servers.

That is a problem here. DH more often then not will go for attacking DR borderlands and not even touch IoJ borderlands (key words here are more often). This is something we at DR are getting tired of, both enemy servers hitting us and barely fighting each-other. Yes, DH and IoJ do fight each-other, sometimes, and when we see them doing so we go, “Wait is DH attacking IoJ for once!?!?!?”. Such as in eternal battlegrounds, IoJ will own their side of the map, and we in DR have ours. What seems to be 80% of the time DH will attack us, and IoJ will also attack us.

This amuses me. We have fully capped IoJ in EB several days in a row now, while DR holds their own land. Of course, we always come for DR as well, but they’re not our first target (most days).

Garran The Lost – 80 Thief
Seventh Abyss [Abys]

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: TheShadow.6205


Great to see DH’s “weekday player dropoff”


Uh, there was also this update thing today, so I heard. There are tons of people I’ve never seen before.

DR and IoJ had some awesome zergs a couple hours ago – I thought we were outnumbered a couple times in EB.

Those were the largest numbers I have ever seen. DR seemed to field just as many fighters as we did, and in some cases even more. It was a lot of fun, but I much prefer small groups to these type of zergs.

Anyways, got a picture of a fun little skirmish at the Bay keep. I -think- it was in DH, but I may be wrong.


Garran The Lost – 80 Thief
Seventh Abyss [Abys]

3/15 - AR/DH/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: TheShadow.6205


End of the week shenanigans are always pretty fun. I feel sorry for the IoJ and AR fighters who had the misfortune of being squished by a group of naked fighters.

Garran The Lost – 80 Thief
Seventh Abyss [Abys]

3/15 - AR/DH/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: TheShadow.6205


Great fighting so far. Been running almost every night. AR zergs are terrifying, but fun to squish. :P

Garran The Lost – 80 Thief
Seventh Abyss [Abys]