Showing Posts For Theory.4105:
People would probably start to farm other fast dungeon paths like Ta UP/UP. Ectos would probably go higher in price, eventhough many will start farming t5 or t6 materials many , but other things will probably lose a bit of their value. Oh and molten cores will probably go up for like 400%.
I made a guild/list to join together all roamers in Gandara. I often want to roam with someone, but my friends or other guildies are not online. That is why I made this guild, to invite anyone that likes to roam. You do not need to represent or anything, you just have to Pm ingame or post here
If anyone cares the guild name is Faster Than The Centaurs[ßeta]
Hmm probably you can get perma prot with hammer and those armor/trinkets. I think mace/shield//hammer could work, because of regen/protection on 1st set and protection on second set but I don´t think it would be very useful, since you would lack in damage.
They could make 10 man dungeon with different objectives that would require 2 separate groups at the same time. Each group would have their own objective that should be completed in particular time frame. That would open the door to open, where group would regroup and face the boss. In the boss room there would be different levers, traps that would make boss die faster. Maybe even a jumping puzzle, that one member could finish to get super weapon that steals bosses hp or something.
When cooperation isn´t needed as much in 5 man as some people want, 10 man dungeon could offer a lot of different possibilities for different kind of gameplay.
Faster Than The Centaurs[ßeTa] is new guild. It is focused on wvw and is looking for new active wvw players to get Gandara to the TOP! Post here or whisper me ingame for more info :P
GUARDIAN With all push back options it the best prof for guarding middle point. I was facing guardian today and he was on that platform for a minute without me even touching him.
It doesn´t reflex all damage. Just a part of it.