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Crab Toss issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


So joined my friend in Crab Toss earlier , just us two in the one game , and we encountered a few glitches that I feel ruin the game mode.

The first issue we had was that for whatever reason we’d stop moving , dancing or whatever emote wouldn’t fix this , after 3-5 seconds we’d regain control of movement.

The second issue hit me the most but after grabbing the crab while my friend was knocked down…for whatever reason , my character would drop it.

3rd issue I’m not sure if this is design or a bug itself but the crab holder can hold a opposing player down on the ground with the first attack, when knocked down the player cant dodge or get out of it unless the crab holder misses with the crab or gets knocked down by karka himself.

Suggestion : Changing Refund item Deletion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


I don’t know how they usually do it, but do you get said refund as soon as you delete the item , or is there a delay, if there is a delay how long would it be , some players may worry that their mightve been a problem after deleting said item and the gems don’t show up within an hour and may thus create more replies on the tickets inquiring about it.

Suggestion : Changing Refund item Deletion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


Hello, I recently opened a support ticket for a refund , and was told to delete said items in which I would be refunded. Well one thing lead to another (tale for some friends only), and I was wondering if Arenanet can change the way they get rid of said items, I was thinking they can send tickets through the mail, which would involve the said item being refunded, and that the player can double click this ticket for it to eat both itself and said item and give the person the gems this way.

I don’t know how they usually go along the finishing of the refunds but I imagine this way would give the player a bit more of a sense of control instead of deleting said item and wondering when exactly they’ll get they’r refund. I would imagine it would also eliminate some additional , and posibly unneeded posts on the support tickets

Whats really unfair about Mesmers...

in WvW

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


my little brainstorm ,

thieves get a grapple hook ( some crazy cool down) which allows the thief and a few allies to scale over walls

warriors have the ability to move seige, the more warriors moving the siege the faster it moves

rangers can create towers which only they can access which grants them additional range and maybe a bit more damage ( for supplies)

elementalist- probably give them some zones where they can channel ( the more ele’s the quicker the channel is) by key locations by SMC and keeps where they destroy a wall or something (thinking what the charr did in the beginning of gw 1)

necros – give the ability to revive multiple targets as undead- those players die again after a said duration and can not cap points, the players can still wp away and live while under this effect

engineers- give them the ability to upgrade seige or create temporary walls that can be destroyed and allies can run through

guardians – not sure yet, but maybe an ability that helps reduce damage to your allies from siege weapons ( of course there would be a cap to how much reduction there is)

revenant – dono the class so cant give it an ability …

[suggestion] trample

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


Not just for trip wire, just knock downs and downed ppl overall

[suggestion] trample

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


ah but if everyone is spread enough apart it wont be as bad, and excluding possibly being able to kill friends when they fall down a ledge I don’t think it will it will be that bad,. they’d still be able to get up within the knock down frame , they just take a setr amount of damage from whatever thats steps over them.

[suggestion] trample

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


Sorry if this is not the location to post this , wasn’t sure where.After looking at my thief and the trip wire skill and knowing that I can only catch one guy (unless lucky or in an within an enemy group) I got to thinking of knock down overall.Apart of wanting traps to have some kind of charges to them I was wondering if the idea of characters who are knocked down should take damage from enemies or allies walking/running over them.

I think this can open up a bit more strategies and may combat the mindset of bunching up a bit, maybe get people to spread apart. Maybe even go as far as including downed characters for this type of damage as well.

(SUGGESTION) WvW activity and reward

in WvW

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


Don’t know if anyone has suggested this yet or not but wouldn’t it be awesome that by the end of every match up, people who invested in WvW would gain some champion loot bags depending on they’r contribution and servers performance , I mean sorta like the old dailies where you had more choices of what to do and if you did so many of them you’d get a completed mark for that day, and at the end of the match up everyone who participated more gets more, and if they’r server did well they get even more loot.

However on account the EOTM is all ready farmed for champ loot and karma the way it is and doesn’t effect the scoring of the actual match up, have this change only apply to the borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds.

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


can see a set amount wandering around…just imagine the home instance in the future if it this idea was implemented if thousands of mini pets were roaming…I’d forsee lag problems clicking material nodes etc

JPs That Cannot Be "Discovered"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


you’r still able to do trolls end just need to take a new path to the well …well …semi new path

How did Scarlet enter the Mists?

in Living World

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


I may be mistaken but wasn’t it mentioned in the books that Asura had knowledge how to build portal gates