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Worst new content, in my opinion

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Thugem Chi.6189

Thugem Chi.6189

I have only been playing the game for 4 months now but I must say that after seeing this new content for the first time (Lornar’s Passs) it is the worst I have seen since I started. I thought the Tower of Madness wasn’t very good, this is so much worse. It just builds on a zerg fest. It is too complicated and confusing, nobody knows what is going on or what to do, it requires tons of people to even try it and everyone just gets mad at everyone else and name calls and everything else. This is so disappointing. This will be content that after the first several days or week it will be dead as a lot of players won’t care to do it again and those that haven’t won’t be able to do it. Very sad! Anet’s thinking has really changed and the days of GW is gone and it’s time for WoW on Anet. We wasted 2 hours waiting for the event just so everyone dies, wastes their time, repair their armor and for what? More content several of us aren’t going to spend any money buying gems to support buying stuff in TP.