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Hurricane Sandy Interrupts our Halloween Event [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thul.2856


I’m not sure if you’re trying to troll me, or what, but you do realize up to 16 states are predicted to lose power, right? And several of those states hold a large percentage of the country’s population. I’m really not sure how extending the event would hurt you, but it may be a nice gesture to a large part of the player base who could miss out.

Personally, I hope this is one of those weatherman “busts” and this thing just floats out to sea harmlessly making this thread a moot point entirely.

Yes, it’s just a game. No an extension is not going to save lives, repair homes, or save businesses, but this is a GW forum so I feel like talking about GW instead of the run on bottled water at the local markets. I won’t give it a second thought if they say, “no”, but on a GW forum, I don’t see the harm in asking.

I understand you not wanting to miss the event. But this really isn’t going to affect the majority of their playerbase, so I do not see the need to extend the event. While it sucks, it’s just how things are. I hope you and your family and any one else affected by it are safe and we all have a speedy recovery. Overall, extending the holiday a week over this seems silly. Not trying to be mean or insensitive to the upcoming Hurricane. (like I said, I’ll be affected as well.)

Hurricane Sandy Interrupts our Halloween Event [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thul.2856


Well, yes – homes and lives are obviously more important in the grand scheme of things. I don’t think asking for an event extension, on game forum no less, somehow suggests otherwise. I have a wife, two daughters, and “furbabies” myself, so I’m certainly not minimizing the real life hardships many of us may face post-storm. However, the GW crew can’t put a guardian boon around our homes, but they can extend the event a week.

If they can’t, they can’t. Doesn’t hurt to ask. It’s something I and my 5-year-old could look forward to when we’re huddling in the dark praying a tree doesn’t fall through our roof.

Hurricane Sandy Interrupts our Halloween Event [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thul.2856


(pm’d to a couple of community team members, but figured I’d post to cover my bases)


I know this is looking ahead a tad, but will you guys consider extending the Halloween event given the unprecedented hurricane predicted to hit the north east? If it hits as expected, a large percentage of your US customers could be without power and miss the awesome conclusion! Yes, I speak as one of those customers likely to be impacted.

Thanks (and stay safe everyone!)