Praise the sun!!
(edited by TibbsDeTelTel.1690)
nice post.. please explain ‘pick teams’ next
also hi Biff o/ lel
i roam or play pick for the kittens and giggles me and my roaming friends get from winning outnumbered fights.. gets hype when u win 2vXX.. finding a worthy opponent is also nice for practice duels and the feels of ‘outplaying’ a counter build to your build might stop u needing viagra
might want to explain terms like ’’kiting’’ ’’baiting’’ ’’tanking’’ if this was aimed at newer players.. just an afterthought
p.s in game mail me for kittenty duelz frands!
p.s.s also an earlier comment about small groups should pvp or something.. simple answer.. i dont like waiting in queue for 2+minutes for a fight when i can roam around and find one myself..
Praise the Sun!!..
(edited by TibbsDeTelTel.1690)
alot of good points in this thread hope Anet takes some notice…
how could i roam in wvw when u get a pvp match up a window pops up and u cant do anything but click on the pop up.. any kinda fight i was in in wvw at the time would be ruined and i would probably respawn after the pvp match and be dead with broken armour.. yes its possible but enjoyable? i think not.. if this is the point u want to argue then fine make the pop up window small and to the side like a party request with a small button asking if u want to join.. also with the amount of pvp match ups where 1 person doesnt ready up du think thats because they in wvw and jus hit dismiss cause they mid fight or jus afk, that makes 9 other people have to re queue.. which is unfair on them, doesnt sound like a good idea to me but keep pushing it lol
is that sarcasm? lol WvW thread or PvP thread? if i wanted to PvP u think i would be posting here? your a kitten aint cha lel
(edited by TibbsDeTelTel.1690)
I wanna make it clear im not here to complain or anything.. im just curious if the thought ever crossed your minds of making the Desert Borderland maps borderland maps for eotm.. they jus seem to fit more so with that map as gravity is such a large part of eotm :P..
ive pretty much only wvw’d for past 3 years and i couldnt care less as i spend 90% of my time solo roaming in ebg..
also is there any chance of getting the ability of farming ascended gear in wvw like u can in pvp? i would pvp for it but i cant stand waiting in queue for 5 minutes sometimes to have a 10 minute fight when i could be roaming in ebg
build variation in wvw is important to fill different roles in certain situations / groups and i think it would make more sense in wvw than in pvp as in pvp u have all gear types and runes unlocked for the most part..
anyway thanks for the game i have had a lot of fun :P
A random WvW Scrub o7
CD + Hypehaven…. The dream is real!!!!
Join Darkhaven now.. jus do et! u know it makes sense
only 500gems [125g]
Nice Vids
this is what ive been playing. its a bit different as no strength or defense looking at getting some more sustain in with maybe some valk seeing as i can stack precision (91% with fury) and still have garenteed gun flame crits.
(edited by TibbsDeTelTel.1690)
Deleted it… Ill jus name and shame them on the wvw forums xD gg
fixed sorry took about half hour but it started lol
had a problem with my password being reset last night thankfully that problem is resolved now.. BTW Ty
i can now log in and download the download client onto my new computer only problem is when i launch the setup and it launch’s the download client all i keep getting is it saying “connection errors detected, retrying”…
was just curious if gw2 was down for maintenance or something as i am defiantly online lol however i don’t ever remember the servers ever going down so is probs an issue my end…. been a year and a half since Ive been online and very eager to get on and play lol so any help would be much obliged!!…
Pre-emtive thank yous all round
sincerely Mr Tibbs
(edited by TibbsDeTelTel.1690)
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