Showing Highly Rated Posts By Tibstrike.2974:

Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists

in CDI

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


I like the yaks as it gives roamers and small-groups something to do. Also, it allows you to soften a BL or corner up by depriving the towers and keeps in a manner that can’t be countered by just having people chill in a camp with siege.

Imo, i would keep the yaks as the main source of supply.

Dec 20th - FA/TC/MAG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


what is with the hype over 2v2s lately lol why not just 1v1

Because I have horrible individual skills……..

UltraHiDef where did the “proof in the attachments” go? Were you the asura engi running that 25% condi immune that we killed 3v1…. cuz you got rekt!!

Edit: pff your first post was a fail

No it’s because he can’t fight underwater. He’s a little kitten who can’t handle fighting vertically as well as as horizontally. He has an issue with saying “rofl” as well. I’d be careful around this guy. He might be contagious.

What’s with you and fighting underwater? Its not even well balanced and no one is good at it except maybe you for some odd reason. Lol.

I’m trying to get the new wave started. I’m sorry you can’t handle underwater battles. I understand that it can be diffucult for you landlubbers in Maguuma. At least TC is competent in the water. Get on my level please. Water battles are the future.

Hmm, maybe if I drag out this joke for far too long, people will forget that I refused to fight them.

Maybe if I keep refusing to fight underwater people will forget that I’m a kitten. I don’t fight groups below 5. Too many condition necros who think they are good.