Showing Posts For Tie Wolf.5286:
I’m having trouble finding information regarding copyright to the charr species.
I have been wanting to commission an artist for a fursuit (costume) to look like my charr guardian – BUT, I need to know if charr are under copyright. If they are, I would then be unable to legally commission another artist for something regarding this species – only requested art would be legally acceptable.
Anyone able to help me with searching for this info? I’ll be honest, I’m not all that sure what to search for specifically to have the info I need pop up.
(Apologies if this thread is in the wrong category)
Wow I feel dumb – I figured out what the problem has been with my map.
I must have zoomed out on the mini map just enough that it had the “painterly” appearance and not updating… just had to zoom in one notch.
Hope this helps, Valar!
I’ve got the exact same problem.
My partner told me to update my computer – just did, still having the same problem. This has been like this for the last few weeks now. Progress in maps is becoming a headache.