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Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tigerme.9741


I was trying to buy stuff since yesterday night, and I still can’t do it now.
I am not able to click “buy,” and no image pop out when I mouse over to item’s icon.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tigerme.9741


same happened to me, but mine is gems.
i purchased 1g of gems in September 3 or 4, and i was suppose to receive 3XX gems. However, the trading post took my gold, but i don’t see my gems anywhere. ( no gems’ number appears on interface).
couple min ago, my friend told me to buy 1s gem to see what would happen, and i did.
still the same problem….