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January 26th Update: Your feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiranu.3280


Alacrity: Was nerved too hard imo. Give the Improved Alacritytrait +100% effectiveness of Alacrity so that the chrono himself again has the former 66% faster recharge rate. Nerving the group support of Alacrity was necessary.

The Chronowell (evasion one): From OP to useless in PvE and optional in PvP.

too much boon corrupt on necro. I am all pro boon corrupt. But necro shouldn’t be able to strip all boons without much effort.

Thiefs looking pretty solid BUT it feels like most of the damage is loaded into the autoattack. Either other skills need utility or more damage

Ranger some nice changes. I would maybe consider not running the obvious choices now in certain niche ideas. Maybe try fixing the actual problem next time? e.g. Longbow does way less damage than Dragonhunters longbow, Greatsword (from the skill concept my all time fav out off all weapons/classes) autoattack damage is awfull. Sword autoattack chain is still gimmicky as hell. You cannot actually intent that players have to deactivate auto attack and press 1 just so that this weapon doesn’t kill the user?

Warrior feels better but I currently did not play enough warrior after the patch to actually say sth. about that.

I like the WvW changes but they do not solve the WvW problem.

€ Dragonhunter/traps still feel stupid in PvP. Ranger traps aren’t so annoying but some for them: The cooldown just only start if the trap is trigger!!! Just do it exactly like Ranger ghosts. While the trap is active it can be triggert manually to start the cooldown. That’s a simple fix for the “cannot go near the point with the dragon hunter because he has his traps twice which will most likely kill me”-problem

(edited by Tiranu.3280)

Armor Overhaul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiranu.3280


You still have to craft insignias and you still have to craft an armor set. And if you would just write

“I think insignias should be soul bound because they act as a gold sink, making them accound bound will reduce the amount of gold sinks in the game and I do not think this is good”

I would believe that you actually read what I wrote. Because the problem you see only applies if the insignia is account bound (By your logic ascended armor should also be soulbound?).

The cost decrease by the fact that you do not have to craft the armor-part every time is not the major part of the cost. The large part of the cost is the insignia atm. And it still would reduce the cost of multiple endgame armors which currently is not often the case. How many players do have the money to forge multiple ascended armors for 1 char and also put enough agony resistance in each armor to be able to freely swap between them without negative effect?

The only time a player “saves” money is if one char runs more than 1 build/stat because it would not be necessary to craft a complete new set. The cost of a “second” ascended armor set will be reduced to only crafting the insignia needed. But also note that the armor part will be soulbound. So if you want to transfer the ascended armor to an other char you can only transfer the insignia but have to craft an new set of ascended armor for that char.

Balancing this idea in an economic sense was never the intend of this post. Thanks that you gallantly ignored that I wrote

> [some economical impact. But I am only talking about a gameplay issue not an economy issue]

and dismissed the whole idea because of sth. that I never intended to discuss or did discuss.

Armor Overhaul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiranu.3280


> People having been asking about a feature to address this issue since launch, but no luck so far.

I also play Gw2 since launch but over time armor has got more and more expensive. From the basic armors to ascended and now the new stats that are ridicously expensive with easily 200g+ per exotic armor. normal ascended armors are also @ 800+-50g since HoT. The new stats at ~1000g.

That is a stupid amount of gold. Sure it might be a goal to work for but with HoT and the fact that different builds are actually viable instead of zerker + stack in the corner makes it simply is a problem for basically everyone playing but the 5 people that run the TP and have thousands of gold. For most people it it simply is not viable to have multiple thousands worth of equipment for each char.

And if the problem isn’t solved somehow this game will soon be dead for any new player that does not want to buy gems. And most likely for every “casual” that is good enough to run all content but cannot manage the equipment-gate because of lacking time.

Armor Overhaul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiranu.3280


The current system fuses Armorvalue + Statvalue + Rune into one single item. Straight to the point: I think this is bad and does hurt the game.

The Problem

So what does happen: People craft the current Armor and cannot change anything about it anymore. Sure it is possible to extract the rune with the Gem-store thingy. Sure it is possible to change stats of ascended armor in the mystic toilet. And also possible to overwrite a Rune in an Item.

But let’s face it: That are final, non reverse able changes and not feasible if one wants to temporary use a different build. Currently people are “locked” into their build.

Here is an example: I do play my Ranger with Zerker gear for “easy” content (dungeons, low level fractals, open world, story). I play my Ranger with Condition gear for “hard” content (high level fractals, raid). And I play my Ranger as Druid in Healer gear for some other content (need to babysit in high level fractals not everyone is a pro, raids, sometimes open world).

That are 3 armor sets with 3 different stat-values and 3 different runes – but all with the same armor value (I won’t talk about trinkets + weapons here because I do not think that a change there is that necessary).

This problem of multiple armor sets is not limited to me or rangers (I play most other classes as well but only my ranger has 3 sets).

A possible solution

I want to seperate Amor and Stats and Runes (into 3 parts)

The armor will still be crafted. It will have only an armor value (light/medium/heavy+rarity). It will still have a slot for a rune. New will be that there will be a slot for an insignia. Ascended Armor will also ofc have the infusion slot.

The Stats will also still be crafted in form of the insignia. The insignia will NOT be part of the armor recipe anymore but basically interact as a rune: You put it into an armorpiece’s new insignia slot and the armorpiece will gain the stats of the insignia

Runes will work the same as before: Just put them into the armor.

And now the important part: Insignias and Runes will not be fixed to the armorpiece anymore but can be removed without any cost or risk that the armor will be destroyed. It should only require you to be out of combat.

You will only have the “armor” that you have equipped. Additionally you will have insignias for each of your builds and runes for each one. You can change them out of combat and easily change your build

It will still not be “cheap” to get different stats. Even now insignias are the costheavy part of crafting an armor. For characters that only have (play) 1 build nothing will change costwise. For chars with more than one build the cost of crafting the “armor” will be missing

You wont have more than one armor-outfit expect if you craft a new set. So more transmutation-charges will be used (most likely)

The Rune-extractor thingy will be removed (or unnecessary for armor) from the gem-store and ANet loses 3,50$ of the people buying it to remove a sigil of generosity. /s

A few inventory slots will be free for chars with more that one build again (from 6 slots for armor to 2 slots for runes + insignias. So 4 free slots per additional armorset). 1 Build chars wont have more space.

[some economical impact. But I am only talking about a gameplay issue not an economy issue]

e.g. the value of loot will change. because the stats can be seperated from the armor. So less desired stats will maybe gain some value since the “armor” part of them is just the same as any other meta-stats-armor

What is to balance/discuss

Material-cost should be shifted so that insignias will cost less and “armor” will cost more. With that build diversity is not that costly anymore (which would be good for the game imho).

Is there any need to compensate people that bought upgrade extractors? (I think not. They got what they wanted and saved the gold that would have been lost if they had salvaged the armor – they wanted to keep that and that’s what they paid for)

What about people that have multiple armors for one char? (I think nothing. Existing armor will be reworked like I proposed. So they can simply separate the armors into pieces and use for other chars if they do not want to use different skins)

What should be soul/account-bound? (I think “Armor” should be soul and insignias and runes account bound (after use!). That way there will be no chars without any armor and Alts/non-mainchars can easily be geared if the player decides that an other char shall see some more action. Also “old” armor (e.g you crafted an ascended armor and do not need your old exotic any more) is not completely useless since the insignia can still be used for alts.) Keyword: Alt-friendly

Should this change apply to all armor? Isn’t this change too much for new players? (I think it should be applied to all armor. It would allow low level chars to improve their armor because they can transfer the stats they need into the armor they need instead of having the “wrong” loot and runing around with equipment -20 their level. Also I would not expect this change to push new players too hard)

final word

Since other “locked” mechanics like the traits that you could only reset by paying some silver (or the gem-store extractor) are gone I do not think that this change pushes in a different direction than the game should go.

English is not my mother tongue so forgive me (at least some^^) mistakes. Feel free to make comments on any point I made and discuss. I think that change is absolutely necessary for the game to be healthy but I am only a single player.

And sure thing is that I would be happy if ANet does implement this (or sth. with a similar effect) :P

My greatest fear: Something like I proposed is only implemented for legendary armor because that will push the gear-race to a completly new level.