Showing Posts For TitanHack.4372:

How to dominate PvP with celestial Axebow:

in Warrior

Posted by: TitanHack.4372


Thankyou for your replies and insight, DrDivine and zone. I’ve just returned from a small vacation and hence the late reply. I will test other sigils too DrDivine as you indicated. Your right about having might that lets us do a great deal of dmg even on
non burst skills.

zone I love those videos. Hope I can meet you in game. Few days back I was able to land 5k and even 6k crits on thiefs and eles on Evi, that actually helped me win the battle.

You guys are awesome.

IGN: Titan Hack, Human Warrior, Maguuma World

How to dominate PvP with celestial Axebow:

in Warrior

Posted by: TitanHack.4372


Nic3 necroing.

Sorry I didn’t mean to resurrect an old thread but I actually tried this build
out and it was fun. I was actually complemented by many players. I didn’t
want to make a whole new thread on this same build.

The celest axebow build was along with hambow our best tpvp build, pre patch.
It took a big hit this patch much more then hambow as axe burst is harder to land and the dmg effected by the adrneline level while hammer is good with just 1 bar.
Running celest sowrds bow is a full hybrid build which is very fun and good for duels but less good for tpvp, currently. But I would trait it a whole different anyhow 0/6/5/0/3

Thank you for your feedback. Btw, I wasn’t having trouble landing the Evis, yeah
I missed 1 out of 3-4 times, but it was the dmg that I was concerned about. I expected
a crit of 6k atleast. In the last hour I was able to get a Evis of about 4.5k. Helped a lot.
Really hard to decide between duel swords or a axe and sword at the moment.

If anyone can link a thread on a good build for spvp since the latest patch, I’ll
appretiate it a lot.

IGN: Titan Hack, Human Warrior, Maguuma World

How to dominate PvP with celestial Axebow:

in Warrior

Posted by: TitanHack.4372


Hi everyone.
Thank you for sharing your very good build zone. I’ve tried it in spvp duels and matches,
and found it to be very enjoyable. Things like applying sword #3 Impale for torment and
then using the longbow burst for the fire field is awesome. If your target moves, he takes
more dmg from torment and if he doesn’t, he is in the fire field getting burnt real bad.
That’s just an example of the fun things possible that I have been enjoying. Anyway, that’s
my honest opinion of the fun I am having with this build.

I do have a few questions though. Please keep in mind that even though I played daily after the launch of the game, I ended up leaving the game for almost a year due to
work and personal issues. I returned only recently, so I’m sorry if my views and
questions seem to have an obvious answer that I don’t see.

Here we go : My Eviscerate does 2.4k to 3xxx dmg. Is that normal with this build or am I
doing something wrong. I am under the impression that even if it does dmg below 4k,
its still decent dmg and when our bows burst is in cooldown and the active weapons
are Axe/Sword, I can use the axe burst to remove conditions on me. Also due to the
jumping/leap mechanism of the burst its nice against fast moving targets that are running around us. So, we can do decent dmg and also remove conditions due to the
trait we have and the leap is great cause we dont have to be in melee range.
[2.4k to 3xxx dmg to a ranger]

Apart from the question about the dmg by Eviscerate, are the above reasons why you
chose axe instead of a sword main hand? What is your impression about the main
hand sword instead of the axe? The leap skill, Final Thrust and bleeds on #1 skill are
quite attractive. #2 Gap closer, #3 high dmg and #1 bleeds.

I’d love to hear reasons for and against using the sword as a main hand weapon.
Thank you zone
Thank you eveyone

IGN: Titan Hack, Human Warrior, Maguuma World

(edited by TitanHack.4372)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TitanHack.4372


guys they wont do anything to fix this. cause they [devs/support] believe this is out network fault. like in my case they believe its due to packet loss n stuff. but my network didnt change. the server didnt change. i went from enjoying a lag free game to a game full of lag. and as all of you can see it started around at the same time. all of you are experiencing the same issue. yet they feel it is our own fault n problem to solve.
:( really sad

IGN: Titan Hack, Human Warrior, Maguuma World

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TitanHack.4372


i submitted a ticket. they say that my connection is having bad packet loss and so is my problem and they cant fix it. but my isp feels its not their problem. also nothing has changed since i started playing this game. how did it suddenly become my networks fault suddenly when this problem started about a week ago?

before that i played the beta and head start without lag. ive had 90+ hours or game play without lag. same internet plan and isp. same computer hardware. i can play other games and stream videos from servers around the world without any problems.

if any of you know this tech. info, can you be willing to please help me out?

mail this forum id if u are willing to help me. it it works, i dont mind giving you a gift from the item shop that is worth upto 500 gems or little more.

IGN: Titan Hack, Human Warrior, Maguuma World

(edited by TitanHack.4372)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TitanHack.4372


network lag thread: 124 posts[3pages] and 5691 views later :
neither is the problem fixed and we dont even have a reply from arenanet/ncsoft
regarding this issue and a possible fix.

i request anreanet/ncsoft to post some reply so we players can gain some peace
in this game. as of now this issue is annoying us and having no info about the devs trying to fix this is only making matters worse.

IGN: Titan Hack, Human Warrior, Maguuma World

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TitanHack.4372


dear arenanet/ncsoft can we please have some info if you are trying to fix this. i cant seem to find any info from your side except for the gamers input.

obviously it isnt our internets fault. the game is becomming so uncomfortable with the lag, its unplayable. i only log in n chat with friends. when it appeared fine i went questing and ended up dying easily just due to lag. i press a button and it wont execute untill 6 sec and thats terrible. ive never experienced such lag on other titles/mmorpgs. i understand the population is increasing but the 20 ppl standing beside me have no lag. whats up with that? no one in my guild is experiencing this lag either.

please, atleast let us know if you guys are working on any fix. id love to read any info from your side about this problem.


Titan Hack
Human Guardian
[Maguuma World]

IGN: Titan Hack, Human Warrior, Maguuma World

(edited by TitanHack.4372)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TitanHack.4372


BAD lag in Maguuma, northern part of the Sylvari starting zone (near the Krait Slaver lake). DC’d twice and finally abandoned the game when lag was multi-second. Currently unplayable (by me anyway) as of this posting.

same problem, same server, except everywhere i went. human asura as well as norn areas. ive been having 3-6 sec lag and it gets annoying when u press a skill button and it doesnt happen. cant kill mobs properly, cant even gather resources properly but ofc can die easily.

now if this was just a poor internet on our side it would be different. but our internet seems totally fine. yet this isnt effecting all in an area. everyone in my guild has no lag and are enjoying the game 100%…. i so badly hope there is a client update and this disappears. i submitted a ticket about 3 days ago. no reply yet

- IGN: Titan Hack, Maguuma World, Human Guardian

IGN: Titan Hack, Human Warrior, Maguuma World

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TitanHack.4372


Server : Maguuma [US]
I initially thought it was my internet connection but after several tests i am positive it isnt the problem. ive tried downloading software and playing back HD videos over the net from different servers around the world and i have had no problems doing so.
[i am from india.]

ive played the betas and also the prelaunch without any problem.
im experiencing this 2-6 sec lag in the last 3 days. im unable to play, cant do events and even gathering stuff is becoming annoying. please help us ANet.


IGN: Titan Hack, Human Warrior, Maguuma World

(edited by TitanHack.4372)