Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
Showing Posts For Tobin.6371:
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
Yeah I totally agree with the rivalries. And although I dont think it can be done, because SFR is so stacked on coverage, full of randoms and transfers, I would love for deso to actually push us. Because this season is very very boring so far, and actually fighting for ppt and focusing Deso hard those hours before reset was a lot of fun.
But to reiterate, the only reason people did anything other than slack as we usually do on fridays is because PT guild blobbed and took our garrison, when they could have easily kept attacking Baruch to secure the 2nd place.
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
(edited by Tobin.6371)
All numbers, terrible Guilds!
Ah, PT the guild that blobbed our garrison and motivated us to actually do something on a friday. If you had focussed Baruch you would have came 2nd, instead in your arrogance you took our garri.
Enjoy your 70 man guild raids, and sorry your blob isn’t good enough for gold league
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
I have no idea what you’re talking about, its just map politics.
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
please give a date, its all I look forward to in this game.
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
Pretty shameful display on Viz border from a server who are supposed to be guild orientated. Thanks SWD for not blobbing, the rest…
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
Are you getting the error while playing the game, or at the log in section of the launcher?
I have the same error stuck at the log in section and have submitted a ticket, but yeah really hope someone has a fix because no wvw is killing me
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
Have the same problem cant log in 99/100 times, when I can log in it disconnects me when I try to select a character.
Have tried ‘-repair’, ‘-diag’ and, ‘/clientport 80’ no help. Tried as administrator, tried disabling antivirus and firewall, tried on wired and wireless (on two different routers).
Im dying hereeeeeeeeeeeeee…
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
For future reference if (like me) you cant get together a group to kill the champion, you can still get the heart by lighting candles in the south west of the settlement, and praying to the six in the south east of the settlement.
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]
Just checking, you are aware that the POI south east of Ascalon settlement is underground?
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Veteran [IV]