Showing Posts For Tommyvern.1943:

Veteran pvper's problems in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


Agreed, this game is missing variety and too many critical game functions to be a successful MMO or e-sport.

Missing critical game functions.

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


PvE is apparently worse off than PvP. I know hardcore players who reached 80 in the first week and have now already left.

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


That’s a wonderful link, but why is the community suggesting things that shouldve been in place at launch and have been in other, competing MMOs for years?

Missing critical game functions.

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


Thanks for the constructive criticism in this matter, Vayra.

Missing critical game functions.

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


Sooner or later or not at all, all of this stuff should’ve been out with launch. Every competing MMO has these things already so how can ANet expect us to wait 1 month, 2 months for these things?

They havent even given a time frame yet or announced what changes are even coming.

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


I second this, If things don’t change I’ll be one of those players going back to MoP.

sPvP - things to come.

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


It’s all too little, too late. How do you expect to stay competitive in the MMO market by releasing a game that doesn’t have some of the critical aspects of competitive pvp that others already have? I’ve played since launch and am already getting burnt out playing teams who I have no idea what rank or standing they are. Best of luck surviving Mists of Pandaria, ArenaNet.

Missing critical game functions.

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


You guys are quickly losing my patience with this game. How can you release GW2 without a ladder system or multiple map styles? I don’t understand how you can expect to be competitive in the MMO market or cultivate this game into an e-sport without having critical functions already in place in other MMOs.

Basically, this is my ultimatum. If I don’t see a ladder system, updating tool tips, more specific tool tip explanations and numerical values before MoP drops on Tuesday, I’m outta here.

Best of luck in the future ArenaNet, I had great hopes for this game and you have yet to live up to them.