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Do you have fast casting turned on for ground targeting?
Cause those disable traps are for ground targeting AoE’s…
This is probably it – thanks. The animation made me believe it was a PBAoE. I don’t know how on earth I managed to activate 20 in a row and then hardly ever after that, but live and learn. I’ll give it a shot when I’m feeling masochistic again.
I hope you are checking the icon above the mine after sweeping for them with skill 1. The only time I had trouble making them green was when Canach was re-arming them. Otherwise it never gave me any trouble. Re-arming turns the mines yellow and they will be unable to be made friendly for a few seconds after that.
Yes, that was the only part that was obvious. I sweep with 1, find a bomb, press 2, and…. nothing. I turn around and do a little dance around the ring spamming ‘2’ and… nothing. Sometimes it will go red → green, but it’s rare. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern to it working, either. Sometimes on the 6th time I press ‘2’ next to a bomb it goes green, just in time for him to detonate all of the mines. So then I have to wait for them to go back to red, just to be frustrated all over again.
To do it fast stay at the start of the boss room. there are 2 exploding mines there, alternate between those 2 to damage the boss. Turn one green and place yourself so the mine is between yourself and Canach to make him run over it. Do this until he’s dead. Don’t stand to far away from the mines or he might run around them.
So is there a particular trick to make the mines green reliably? Most of the time the disarm ability does nothing. I tried the alternate between bombs thing, but the ‘2’ rarely works. Caltrops go green pretty reliably, but they’re useless.
So I got around to trying Canach tonight. Oh boy.
The fight is slow-paced and boring. It is easy, yet the mechanics are clunky, confusing, and boring. Nothing seems to work right.
I “disarmed” every mine on the way to Canach’s room only to find that my disarm abilities did not work in his room. I waited through 6 or so rounds of him blowing up his mines with ~2 successful disarms the whole time. I was never in danger because as a Mesmer he just attacks my clones mindlessly for minimal damage.
So, I decide to lure him out in the hopes that my 2-3-4 abilities will work again outside of that kitten room. Nope. Got off a few more random disarms, but mostly failures even though I’m trying all different kinds of positioning to “disarm” them. Facing them, facing away from them, putting Canach between me and the mines. Everything.
After 1 hour of running around trying to “disarm” mines I just gave up and left. Wow. That was terrible.
Is there some kind of hidden “trick” to disarming the mines? I’m mostly confused because everything worked flawlessly on the way to his lair, and then abruptly stopped working. I found no guidance in any other threads on the topic.
Greatsword and Staff have wonderful symmetry and work well in sPvP with a Rampagers load-out. Both weapons benefit from power primarily (iWarlock and iBerserker in particular) and the extra condition damage is key in making your staff conditions have some bite as well as making the bleeds you get from sharper images + GS clones super-awesome (GS clones are the best at applying bleeds thanks to their attack rate). Staff works well as a short-medium range weapon while GS occupies the medium-long range spectrum. Though don’t be shy about swapping to GS at short range for GS 2 and GS 5.
I’m totally in love with the GS, though. I loved it pre-fix, but now it’s borderline-OP.
For leveling, you have great AoE capabilities, for end-game PvE you have insane burst and great sustain in boss fights.
Sword/X is not a required set for Mesmers in any setting.