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We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Toract.9386


I do not like Scarlet Briar

Scarlet Briar is an underwhelming villain, that has done immeasurable damage to the GW2 Lore.

By having one individual “mastermind” the strategic maneuvering of gigantic factions — from the Flame Legion, to the Dredge, to the Aetherblade, to the Nightmare Court, and now the Krait — any feeling of legitimacy and authenticity these groups have managed to stir in the player base are completely disheveled. Their motivations feel weak, and it just feels so underwhelming.

What’s more, by attributing so many events to Scarlet Briar’s Machinations, the sense that things happen as part of this wide, living, and breathing macrocosm vanish, and we’re left with these awkward strings that try to patch everything together.

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Toract.9386


I agree with the OP’s Statements

Battlefield 3 for Shocktrooper

in Community Creations

Posted by: Toract.9386


Just a little fun I had with my Shocktrooper character lol.


Dept. of Peacemakers, Document Extracts

in Community Creations

Posted by: Toract.9386


[b][this is a random rp document, written in character by a Chief Peacemaker Gwimm (deceased).]


Medium Armor

in Engineer

Posted by: Toract.9386


Same. I just absolutely hate longer than pocket level medium armor. By that I mean medium armor that goes below where the pockets of our pants would be. I mean, give us something that doesn’t look like like we’ll TRIP in them.

So I run around with the attached set ;

I went for the whole stormtrooper/modern soldier kinda look — and that chest piece and one other type I believe are the only two armors that maintain the ‘above pocket’ level I was talking about. Infuriating. Hopefully they introduce more decent and engineer appropriate armor soon. I mean we’re supposed to be the most modern fighting force on Tyria — how are we going to do that if we keep tripping in our overcoats?


Medium Armor

in Engineer

Posted by: Toract.9386


Same. I just absolutely hate longer than pocket level medium armor. By that I mean medium armor that goes below where the pockets of our pants would be. I mean, give us something that doesn’t look like like we’ll TRIP in them.

So far I run around with this set;

I went for the whole stormtrooper/modern soldier kinda look -- and that chest piece and one other type I believe are the only two armors that maintain the ’above pocket’ level I was talking about. Infuriating. Hopefully they introduce more decent and engineer appropriate armor soon. I mean we’re supposed to be the most modern fighting force on Tyria -- how are we going to do that if we keep tripping in our overcoats?