- Low Res optional download, to allow for play on lower end and portable computers. Basically reduce poly count of models and the environment, resolution of textures, and all post-processing to a bare minimum. I.e. an optional downloadable pack that MineCraft-izes the game for max performance.
- Save custom Talent / Skill Point presets, so I can go into WvW with one custom, then come out with another. Not everyone’s computer comfortably fits into the Walmart (low), NewEgg (medium), or NASA (highest) categories.
- Option to make loot glitter much larger.
- Minipets should not be considered “collectable” when using the “Deposit All Collectables” function. In fact, if they could simply be summoned by any character on the account as an optional slot spell (see also: WoW), it would function much better, and I would be much more inclined to actually buy the things. At least make it so they don’t get dumped in the bank with crafting items.
- Color coded bags slots
Should be able to turn on/off bag slot coloring, whereby slots (outlines) and items have a hue to indicate information. Such as equipment that the player cannot wear should be red (including equipment soulbound to another character), equipment that is equipable but of lower level should be greyed, equivalent equipment blue, and superior items as green. Bag slots should be colored based on the bag type, such as those that hide items from vendors – so the player doesn’t accidentally have garbage in that slot. Quest items should have a distinct hue, such as gold or yellow.
- Dragging from inventory to the vendor menu (even if on the Buy pane) should sell items.
- Preview item shortcut / key combo.
- Equip-compare even when “using” the salvage kit.
- One button specifically to salvage gear at the basic level, even if there’s a fee. It’s a pain in the butt to keep having to double click the kit; likewise it should not be disellected if you try to salvage something “non-salvagable”.
- Ability to “lock” inventory and bank items to prevent from accidentally trashing or vendoring the item.
- Give players the ability to replay hearts and story missions. Some are very unique, such as being transformed into a Steam Hulk, and would be great if they could be replayed. If designers feel that replaying personal story quests needs to be justifiable (in terms of logic or lore) then they can be called “Memories”.
- Follow command.
- Reduce pet aggro radius.
- Pet bar for major pets (Epic and Ranger), with passive, guard, and aggressive, as well as attack / stop attacking, possibly with “Pet go to” / “Stay” buttons.
- Allow two players to queue up for sPvP and always be on the same team. This wouldn’t introduce a strong imbalance, especially since I would foresee a good number of players using this. It’s frustrating to queue up with a buddy for some randoms only to end up constantly battling against each other, it eventually has us just leaving sPvP to play WvW or other computer games that allow buddy teams in PvP.
- More gameplay modes to the sPvP as has already been suggested, such as Capture the Flag, El Presidente (or “Defeat the Leader”).
- Dueling. I know that ANet goes to PAINS to keep players from QQing about their class (including the omission of any method of measuring DPS), but honestly people have been wanting this since day one.
- Wider, perhaps MUCH wider event radius detection. Players are frequently asking in zone what if there are any events. Events are significantly more entertaining than ho-hum hearts and it gives players a chance to meet and work together. Hearts are barely any better than question-marks from WoW. I’m sure that ANet doesn’t want players zerging from event to event as a giant mob, which is probably the main reason why the event detection radius is fairly low… So, to compensate, multiple events should co-occur, forcing players to choose which event they want to participate in, splitting up zergs and keeping players on the move, doing interesting things in small groups.
- Ability to block spammy NPCs? I’ve run into a few (and reported them as bugs), where they taunt players in the zone with not only text but an audio file of the taunt, every minute or so… ugh. I can block players, I’d love to be able to block NPC spam too! I’m sure this is a “hard to code” idea, but if not that, then please remove NPCs ability to say anything more than once, ever… at least until it is killed and it respawns again.
- AOE loot. Not that big of a deal since only every other mob drops loot, but it seems to becoming a standard way of handling trash loot in MMOs.
- Should be able to go through or open friendly NPC gates. I can think of at least one friendly NPC town that closes its doors for an event, but you can’t get in. There should be a “side door” players can go through (similar to those found in WvW).