Showing Posts For Torgul.1583:

Tier 1 and Tier 2 cultural weapons are too expensive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torgul.1583



When the prices were right (b4 they increased them to ridiculous levels) they were something I looked forward to as little rewards for reaching 40/60 etc. That was all ruined. Bummed me out for at least a week and really did take some of the fun out of the game for me.

I was able to grab a cpl at the initial prices and was really stoked. Came back a day later to fill out a secondary set and was like WTF?. Serious instant let down. There is no reason to have those weapons cost so much …. bring the prices down to where they were initially or just remove the vendors altogether as no one will “EVER” by those weapons.

Was such a shame … really added some frustration and unhappiness to the game for no reason. Stupid decision imho.


(edited by Torgul.1583)