Showing Posts For Tori.8192:
It’s now Feb. 2013, after the “change” to dungeons. This however, is my first encounter with the Front Door last Subject Alpha boss. There is now room to sufficiently spread out the team to ‘avoid’ affecting each other on his targetted AOE’s; I found as an Ele, I was quadruple targeted in an instant ( I got four overlapping concentric circles enough that two dodge moves would never get me out). I also saw the entire floor of the miniscule area filled with overlapping AOE targets more than once, thrown simultaneously. He only spawned essences twice and only a few. I’ve got Exotic gear for the most part and still I got the “one shot wonder” with all protections available in place + Guardian boons.
Now, I’m still outfitting my Ele for the best lvl 80 gear, and I’m just learning this dungeon, so I’m more than willing to admit, it could all “just be me”. That said, I’m here to learn so any helpful remarks are welcome.
So, can someone please assess any differences from the above since the “dungeon patch” – someone who knows this dungeon much better than I?
Just to add, my experience here was almost an assured permanent aggro until I was dead if I was attuned to water.
Thanks in advance!
Who the hell thought this one up?? What a disaster! Words worked well and were simple and uncomplicated. Now you want me to mouse over and find whatever new ICON you’ve chosen to represent whatever?? GEEZ >>> go back to school for ergonomics and human interaction. I’m more than disappointed.