Showing Posts For Tortoished.7986:

Why so many Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


I did read your post, did you read mine? – because you simply deleted the parts where i stated that based on your experience you may have noticed more.

This part “sure you may notice more of us but that doesn’t mean there is actully more of us” that part.

It’s quite clear that you are intentionally trolling for an argument now, so i’ll leave it at that.

Lol…“I don’t agree with you so you must be trolling.” Ok guy, whatever you say.

Why so many Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


I don’t get this thread … anything you do in an MMO IS unique to you, unless your letting someone else play your account. No one is going to take the same path of play or even play your guardian the way you do it.

You don’t get it because you fail to realize I’m talking about the overwhelming population of a single profession, not how it is played.

Why so many Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


It’s the same thing that happens when you get a new shiny car.

That is why refusing to play something that does not appear “uncommon” or “unique” anymore is a horrible reason to not play it. You’ll simply never be happy and you are simply punishing yourself while everyone else is having fun.

So many idiotic replies. I have played 5/8 professions and never had this problem before. Most of them were unique and interesting because I wasn’t constantly surrounded by the same profession, while Guardian simply does not because I see them everywhere. This is based off my personal experience, not statistics or how you believe I should play the game. Obviously, most of you are just looking for something to argue about. I’m sorry that your beloved class seems overplayed and generic to me, based off what I have experienced, but that’s just how it is. I even said nevermind and you still feel compelled to write an essay about how wrong I must be. Get over it, I’ve already chosen my new class and this thread is old news.

(edited by Tortoished.7986)

Why so many Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


Nevermind…just forget it. Thanks for reminding me why I don’t frequent gamer forums. Every reply is an attempt to prove me wrong. My experience must be unique to me. Feel free to delete this thread, I’m over the negativity.

Why so many Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


Playing a different build of the same profession doesn’t make me feel any more unique or interesting. Thanks for those statistics, but it doesn’t change the fact that I still see more Guardians than any other class overall.

Why so many Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


I’m playing a Guardian right now. While using a greatsword and staff, It has become my favorite profession in the game so far. Clearly, a lot of other players like the profession as much as I do.

It seems like everyone and their mother is playing Guardian. Every time I turn around, there’s another Guardian with a greatsword using the same skills and combos as the next. Each time I join a group or event, there are more Guardians than any other profession around. I just feel like Guardian #8196.

As much as I love it, I’m not unique, specialized, or needed amongst my peers because there are tons of other Guardians who are doing the exact same thing I am. It makes me feel like another clone in the clone army. Guardian is great overall, but it has become the most overplayed and generic profession in the game. So sadly, I won’t be playing my Guardian anymore because it is no longer an interesting or unique gaming experience for me.

I'm stuck on invis server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


Fixed. They moved us to another server and reset our transfer queue.
Thanks team.

I'm stuck on invis server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


I’m on Caullie’s Crossing too, not on the server list and get a network error when trying to transfer. It would be nice to get some info.

Crystal Desert needs WvW PvPers

in WvW

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


Crystal Desert, our numbers have been really low in WvW lately, grab your friends and come join the battle if your interested. Thanks!

LF Guild with VoIP

in Guilds

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


I’m an 80 Thief who enjoys all aspects of the game, from WvW to PvE. I would like to join an active guild that uses voice chat a lot, such as vent, teamspeak, or mumble. Being able to talk to the people I’m playing with is important to me, and simply provides a more enjoyable gaming experience. I don’t mind if you only have 10 members, if at least half of them use voice chat frequently. Also, I’m a fun loving guy in my mid 20’s, so I’m looking to join a guild with members close to my age. Thanks.

Forum design is questionable.

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


Thank you for the reply ReginaBuenaobra, it’s nice to read the actual reasons behind the design coming from the team. I understand why the choices to limit content are based on user abuse, which is what I assumed. I also feel like it limits those of us who have no intention on abusing the tools. From my experience on forums across the web, the majority of users don’t use images and signatures to abuse or harass the community. I have seen those that do, but the moderators usually take care of inappropriate material rather quickly.

Corian and LittleZoe, as for the overall look and feel of the forums, I actually like the layout, font choices, and positioning. I was mainly commenting on the lack of tools and functions; Such as avatars, signatures, post count, forum ranks, and images in the body of the text. These are things that customize your forum posts and give them personality. I don’t expect the design team to read this and incorporate these things based on my opinion, but it’s something to think about.

Looking for a social & fun loving guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


Cool I’ll check it out

[Pirate Gaming] Friendly casual gaming community, yarr!! :)

in Guilds

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


Hey! I want to join you guys, but I won’t have a mic for a day or so. I’m a broke gamer and figured I’d get a mic when I needed it. If you invite me and everything works out, I’ll get a mic soon afterwards. Pm or send a mail to Santouka. Thanks!

Forum design is questionable.

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


I think the image restriction is to prevent people spamming their nsfw kitten and meme pictures.

Don’t you think it’s good?

I can see how it limits non-appropriate images and material. It also limits helpful and appropriate images.

Forum design is questionable.

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


Ok I edited in some paragraphs. I’ll check out the reddit link, though I still want to hear some thoughts on the design, so I know I’m not some crazy artist and over analyzing things, which could be possible.

Forum design is questionable.

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


Hey, this forum design has been bothering me so much, I’m wondering if anyone feels the same way. As an artist, focusing on graphic design, I can’t help but wonder who designed this forum and why they choose to sacrifice standard features and functionality for this minimalistic approach. Why did they make it such a challenge to post and image in the body of your topic? It’s nearly impossible to have a cool signature because the signature form only allows 100 characters. I’ve spent some time trying to fit an image or signature into the forms to no avail. Maybe there’s a way, but I havn’t found it.

Forum designers, I know how you have your reasons for trying something different and being minimalistic, but you didn’t have to remove the most basic and essential features that most forums offer. The overall website design is great, but the forums should stick to the industry standard design, because it works. The forums were not ready when the game was released, and I think it was because they were still working on the design and layout. The outcome is overdesigned and lacking functionality. I have a feeling I’m not the only one who misses the standard forum layout that we all know and love.

(edited by Tortoished.7986)

Looking for a social & fun loving guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Tortoished.7986


I’m looking for a guild that is active, social, friendly, and exciting. I want to play with people can be good at the game and have fun at the same time. People who don’t take themselves too seriously and forget how to have fun and laugh. I’m all about having fun, all day, every day. I’m also up for any and every challenge the game has to offer. Also, looking for really active players. I work at home for most of the week, so I’m online a lot. It’s a bummer to meet such cool people, only to find out they don’t log on much. So I’m looking for people with are reliably online every day, long enough for us to have fun and go on crazy adventures and such. I’m currently a 57 theif on Kaineng, and I’m willing to transfer to your if it works out. Looking forward to meeting some awesome people, cheers!
Send me a pm or mail to Santouka in game.

(edited by Tortoished.7986)