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Social solution to Mounts - "Carpooling"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Towelie.6891


Please don’t derail the thread. This is in NO circumstances apologetic to “permanent speed boosts”.

I’m against speed-boosting mounts in GW2, makes no sense as the maps are small, we move fast, and the problem of “not arriving in time for the event” will not be remedied by having a 70% increased movement…this problem demands another kind of solution that doesn’t belong to this thread.

Please, if my idea seems stupid to you, than just present options, alternatives. It seems that to most anti-Mount people, compromising the speed-boost isn’t enough, that’s what gave me the idea for this thread.

Social solution to Mounts - "Carpooling"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Towelie.6891


Have you guys seen this thread?

The people that are against mounts present horrid, terrible excuses for not implementing mounts (i.e. The world will not be as big, the exploration will suffer, etc. They think this is true even without the speed boost….this, to me, makes less than no sense)

I completely agree with both of you that say mounts should be implemented normally and just don’t have the speed boost. I AGREE this would be a more than fine solution.

The problem is, the other 50% of the community, those against mounts, don’t agree with it. Even if you said “hey, what if mounts made us SLOWER?”, they would still say it would make the world smaller, ruin the social aspect, etc.

It’s like when someone calls a class or skill OP, without learning the counterplay or knowing effectively what it does.

People don’t take their time to actually think through these matters.
They keep saying that “[insert random feature here] will ruin GW2 because it ruined [insert random MMO from the 13th century here]”, even though the community, game AND mechanics are COMPLETELY different.

What I present in this topic is a COMPROMISE between both parties, as in my opinion, the cosmetic value of mounts is much more important than the speed boost, seeing that we have WPs and skills that grant swiftness.

Mounts, to me , grant immersion and RP value (i’m not a roleplayer, but it’s nice to think that people who mastered car engineering wouldn’t be running around ).

edit: fixed wrong phrasing.

(edited by Towelie.6891)

Social solution to Mounts - "Carpooling"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Towelie.6891


@ Canoas
Care to elaborate?

This is a middle-ground solution I’m proposing. A lot of the pro-mounts will be unhappy with the requirements, but they are there exactly to counter the reasons why the anti-mounts are against implementation of any transport ingame.

I presented the reasons for this “limitations” at the very start of the topic.

People, feel free to add critiques to my suggestion, just remain on topic and please be constructive. After all, the point is exactly to instigate healthy discussion and maybe find a solution that makes everyone happy.

Thank you for your replies.

Edit: fixed grammar errors.

Social solution to Mounts - "Carpooling"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Towelie.6891


Mounts are controversial on a lot of points, and it seems that the two biggest problems I read are:

  • They will ruin the social aspects of the game (you will just pass by everyone on the map, won’t stop to res, help events, etc.).
  • Speed boost is pay 2 win and unnecessary because we have the WP system for traveling.

So I propose a solution to both:

Mounts will have the following features:

  • Will feature some sort of mandatory (cannot be dismissed) Carriage, Wagon or Cart behind the mount. The vehicle will have a fixed number of seats that MUST be filled with other players (probably more than 2, less than 6) for the Mount to be able to move. Different kinds of Carriages will be purchaseable either by Karma or Gems, but will only serve cosmetic purposes.
  • Will NOT add speed boost (The owner of the mount will still be able to apply swiftness through class/weapon skills)
  • Will NOT be able to enter cities or PvP areas.
  • Will automatically SLOW DOWN near Dynamic Events, Downed Characters and when aggro is pulled.
  • Will NOT be able to be randomly summoned through some skill. Where you leave it, is where it is at, you must go there to pick it up.

I think this will satisfy those who want mounts without affecting in a negative way those who don’t.

I AGREE with the following points against Mounts: We really don’t need a “permanent speed boost” in the form of Mounts; Flying mounts would be a bad idea; Mounts inside cities or PvP areas would also be a terrible idea; Mounted combat is not needed.

I DISAGREE with the following points against Mounts: They don’t fit in the world as it is; They don’t fit GW lore; The game “looks better” or “bigger” without them.


As long as mounts serve purely cosmetic purposes and apply some sort of mandatory social aspect (such as “carpooling”), they wouldn’t ruin the game experience AND would add a really cool cosmetic value to the game.

Thank you for your time, sorry for any grammar mistakes (not my main language), and hope you like the idea.