Showing Posts For Toyoka.7218:

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Toyoka.7218


I’m not sure if this is hardware-related, but a strange pulsing noise (like a slow “wuuw”) happens when in certain events (like the dragon one, in Frostgorge Sound). It seems to be related to the amount of people within the area, doing the event. Though usually the game continues to play fine despite the sound problem, it sometimes crashes (and indeed, I have sent multiple crash reports concerning this issue). This could possibly be related to:

  • The event itself
  • The amount of people doing the event
  • Sound issue concerning the event and the people doing it (ie. too many sounds playing at once, perhaps at a certain point in the event)

The issue persists until the game is completely restarted.

If it’s relevant, my computer uses nVidia High Definition Audio. Also, here are the settings for my audio in-game: