Hi, a friend of mine, who obviously cant login right now to write this, send a ticket in august 30, and customer service finally answered him today, saying as follows.
“We were able to locate the Guild Wars 2 account, update the email address, and reset the password. Please use the following to login:
Account Name: xxxxxxx@mail.com
Password: xxxxxxxx
To update your Guild Wars 2 password to something new, login using your current information at https://account.guildwars2.com/ and follow the steps below:”
However, he is unable to login usinh that username and password, it just says there is no such email/account name related to a gw2 account.
He immediately, answered the email, and updated the ticket, but no response yet. I hope he doesnt have to wait another week for it.
The ticket id its as follow: 120902-003337
Can you have someone check it please?