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Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Trapsinger.1386


I was hoping that the patch would fix this, but it didn’t seem to.

When I pick up, or destroy, my healing turret, the regen on my character drops to 5 per tick (3 with poison), even at level 80. Applying a higher value regen doesn’t fix this, it merely extends the duration of the 5 per tick regen. Since the duration on regen from turrets can easily get up to it’s cap at 1 minute, this can stick me with a non-functioning regen for a really long time, especially if other party members are also applying regen and extending the duration.

Here’s hoping this can get added to the list of things that will get fixed.

Destruction of Healing Turret breaking Regen on Engineers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trapsinger.1386


I saw in the Engineer forum in a discussion about what healing skill to use that other people know about this, and consider it a known issue, but I don’t see anything about it in the bug forums, so here goes…

When using a healing turret as your healing skill, if you have the regen boon on your character already, and the turret is destroyed, the per second tick of the regen boon drops down to 5. It’s not 100% of the time, but it is a significant enough portion of the time that people in the engineer forums recommend not using the skill at all, or deploying the turret and immediately detonating it so as not to get the regen boon at all.

I’ve seen the bug triggered on my character from detonating the turret, having a mob destroy the turret, and from picking the turret up.

Further the only way to fix the 5 healing per tick on the regen is to let the boon completely time out. Applying a new regen, even one of a higher value, doesn’t fix this. Nor does deploying a new turret.

And since the healing turret reapplies the boon faster than it drops, it is very easy to get the duration of your regen over 1 minute. Then having to go through a minute of combat, or even wait a full minute after combat ends, to be able to apply a functioning regen can be aggravating, and this bug often gets me killed since so much of the healing in this game is based on the regen boon, having it effectively turn off when my healing turret is destroyed seems like a game breaking bug for the engineer to me.

Also this bug has existed for some time, i only started playing my engineer in mid October, but it’s been around for at least that long, and I haven’t seen anything addressing the issue in any of the patches since then.

I suppose it’s possible that this is not actually a bug, and that having your existing and future regen destroyed by the loss of your turret is the penalty for having a constant regen applicator with unlimited duration…but the tooltip doesn’t say anything about that. If this is not a bug could some one explain to me exactly how the healing turret is supposed to work? So I can understand when and how to use it better?