Showing Highly Rated Posts By Trevor Boyer.6524:

High MMR is punished for solo que

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

After hundreds and thousands of matches, it is very visible that your MMR system functions as this:

  • Ten players que at the same time
  • High MMRs are 10, low MMRs are 1
  • The ten players qued look like this: 10, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1
  • System tries to balance two teams from these MMRs
  • Result looks like this -> RED: 10, 4, 3, 2, 1 --- BLUE: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

Looks good in theory but it’s bad in conquest application. Even if the elite 10 MMR on RED holds a point the entire match and farms opponents back to back without ever dying, it still won’t be enough point value to make up for the other two points where BLUE is slaughtering RED’s lower MMRs. Why are high MMRs punished for solo queing?

I normally run 5 man pre-mades within our guild “which kind of avoids the above problem” but when you are a team captain and run 5 man premades, sometimes you need a break to run solo or maybe duo while listening to mp3s for some casual play. But this is no longer a realistic option for those who have relatively higher MMR due to the visible MMR algorithm.

As priority you need to eliminate impractical and unreasonable match ups
It is one thing to lose 500 to 400 or 500 to even 250 but losing 500 to 100 or lower means that your team never had a chance in hell of winning to begin with and these sort of matches need to be eliminated from ever happening within ques.

Your MMR system is propagating all of the problems that players complain about:

  • 4v5s ~ People leave when they realize a match is impossible to win
  • 5 solos placed against 5 man pre-mades ~ No one has fun and people stop playing
  • r80s being placed with or against r1s ~ Why is this even allowed to happen?
  • ect.. ect.. the list goes on

The above problems are directly responsible for diminished player basis.
I am sure that you do all that you can already.
But please fix this calamity so that high MMR solos can enjoy the competitive scene.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.