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No money = No e-sport

in PvP

Posted by: Trifuerza.5427


A lot of people is asking about this: " Why gw2 isn’t a e-sport? Anet promised it!"

There is the answer: There aren’t money prices.

In GW1 Anet made a great GvG monthly tournament system with 10.000$ prices all the months arround 2 years. If GW1 haven’t “Extra payments” and less sells than gw2, why they dont do this? Because they don’t want, just that.

If Anet wants to do this game an e-sport, they would move the money here. The e-sports is a job, and without money, profesional players, e-sport squads and sponsors won’t come here.

Some people will say “there are a lot of fails that are making this game not being a e-sport” and it is true, but with the pressure of sponsors and e-sport squads Anet would fix that more fast than they are doing right now.

I just want to told you my opinion about the situation of “e-sports” on gw2.


We need support items with Fractals Relics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trifuerza.5427



We are some support players in my guild with the same problem. There aren’t support items (Back and rings) that can be obtained by the trade of Fractal Relics.

Anet, what is the reason of this?

We need resistance to agony like all players, but we must sacrifice our main stat (Healing power) to have some resistance to agony. Why we must do this? Because there aren’t items with Healing power like his main stat (obtained by Relics), If a support wears items obtained by Fractal Relics, he will have less Healing power than he wears crafting cleric items. A dps player doesn’t need to sacrifice his DPS stats for obtain resistance to agony, a support player must sacrifice his main stat (Healing power) to obtain it…

Example: Crafted cleric ring: +92 healing with jewel
“Best” ring ascended traded by Relics: +38 healing

I hope that Anet fix this, It is really an senseless injustice.

(edited by Trifuerza.5427)

Suggestion for more sPvP modes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trifuerza.5427


Hi all!

It seems like sPvP is starting to be more competitive with paid tournaments, but I think that PvP players we need more from sPvP to take busy. In GW1 you could play PvP and not play PvE because you had a lot of PvP types, we can’t said that on Guild Wars 2 because sPvP is not diverse (but we must know that the game is just 2 month old).

I want to create this post to discuss what things we can change about sPvP to make a better PvP mode.

My opinion:

- Short time (1-2 months)
2 new maps to the actual sPvP system. It is needed to make a tournament rotation of maps.

- Medium time (2-4months)
Spectator mode (they are working on it)

- Long time (4months + or expansions)
- Alternative sPvP mode to conquest of points
- Arena sPvP mode like GW1, just a survival mode, the last team on live, win.
- An exclusive ranked Guild PvP mode with mundial or continental Ranking.

I like to open a disscusion with another players to get new ideas to improve the sPvP, with positive opinions to improve this beautiful feature of the game, the sPvP.


P.S. : Sorry about my bad English, I am just studyng it now

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trifuerza.5427


Investigating, sorry about that!

The door at the north entrance to Caer Avaldoesn’t generate the “instance join” prompt(Server Baruch Bay [SP]). I suppose its like Black Citadel instances. We go to the door but we don’t recibe the option to join the instance where the NPC is located. I hope that info helps you to fix it.
(Sorry for my bad English)