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Giganticus Lupicus needs to be nerfed...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trik.1039


If they would remove the Gift of Zhaitan requirement from the legendary staff, I could happily ignore Arah. However, because it’s there and I want the staff, I have to deal with poor game design. I am defining poor game design as something that requires too much time, too high of a learning curve and doesn’t provide enough of a reward. Designing game content that maybe 20% of your players will ever see is foolish in my opinion.

You’re trying to craft a legendary and you’re complaining about something that requires too much time.

Too much of a learning curve? Get over it, literally.These dungeons aren’t supposed to be easy.

How are only 20% of the players seeing the content? GW2 = skill based game, you don’t need gear, a ton of time, money, gold or anything other than your own skill to complete the content in GW2.

No, I’m complaining that the time investment went up at least ten fold for that single component. They already have anti farm code in place to drag out all of the other components, which take a massive amount of time and effort as is. I’m not complaining about time involved, I know it’s going to take a whole lot of time, especially gambling on the the Mystic Clovers. However, anyone who did a few days of shard farming doesn’t have to deal with this “new” grind. That’s kind of BS.

Also, while GW2 is a skill based game, you need a group of 4 other people that are also skilled. You need them to be on at the same time as you and you need them to stay through the entire dungeon. The current dungeon reward system is broken. It’s bad game design and you’re welcome to defend it all you want but it doesn’t change that it’s simply bad game design. You want people to play your game? Reward them for doing so. Although, I will admit it seems they don’t really want people to play. Anti farm code for drops, anti farm code for events, anti farm code for dungeon. This is the garbage that will eventually drive me away from the game. There are plenty of games that I can play that the don’t punish me for being good or efficient.

How current rewards punish 80% of players (and a fix)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trik.1039


You actually thing anyone would be doing dungeon runs if there wasn’t any kind of reward for doing it? That’s hilariously delusional.

Reality, the place where 90% live? (the 80% mentioned in the title + 10% more because I have to hope it’s true)

How current rewards punish 80% of players (and a fix)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trik.1039


Everyone is capable of getting everything in this game as long as they are willing to spend the time on it. If you’re not willing to spend the time to achieve things, such as legendary weapons, then you don’t deserve them. It doesn’t matter if you can only play 30 minutes a day or 10 hours a day, both are able to get everything if they are dedicated and willing to put the time forward. If you think things should change because some can only play 30 minutes a day and they deserve the chance to get it faster, well you’re playing the wrong game.

That is incorrect. You can not finish a dungeon in 30 minutes, meaning you can not get dungeon tokens. Without dungeon tokens, you can not buy the gifts that are required for legendary weapons. This makes obtaining a legendary weapon simply impossible for anyone that can not spend the time required for a full run of a dungeon. A dungeon like Arah may take 4+ hours, depending on how much experience the group has with the dungeon. The legendary staff requires 500 Arah tokens. Are you saying that anyone that can’t play for 4+ hours at a time should never be able to obtain the legendary staff?

Remove Rewards from Dungeon Exploiter's?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trik.1039


If someone dupes items, fine. If you get twice the amount of rewards (double chests), sure.

There is nor reason to punish players because they lack the ability to produce working and not exploitable dungeons. This must be the most idiotic thing i have ever heard.

If the boss bugs out, glitches, you find a short-cut or use the environment to your advantage, you should not be punished.

Biting the Hand that feeds you is NEVER a good idea.

The exploiters bit Anet’s hand.

It’s standard practice to ban exploiters. Blizzard have banned entire guilds before for exploiting new raids.

Blizzard also closes exploits immediately, even if it means bringing the servers down. Leaving a so-called “exploit” up for weeks doesn’t really do much to show that it’s anything other than working as intended. They fixed the 21 karma weapons pretty quickly, if I recall. That one also wasn’t what I would call an exploit. Developers making mistakes and players taking advantage of the game as is (such as buying cheap karma weapons) is not an exploit, it’s making use of what’s available to you. I would say internally test patches better. It seems a lot like it’s the paying customers job to beta test all of this.

Remove Rewards from Dungeon Exploiter's?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trik.1039


A better approach would be to remove dungeons completely until they work correctly and are fun for a large percentage of players. That whole “Is it fun?” blog post comes to mind. Seems like they tossed that thought line right out the window.

Who are the majority of players that think dungeons are “fun”. The majority of the community who dont come on the forums to rant because they are busy in the dungeons/WvW/exploring etc or the minority who are on the forums ranting? :/

Some fixs need to be made but taking out dungeons from GW2 is a MMO suicide, and is not the solution. The dungeons are fine tbh, just need to tweak it a bit, make it more interesting, harder and challenging.

I like trap rooms for example, lots of traps that need teamwork to get past etc would be a good addition. Many may disagree but just a note to put in the box;)

There were 30+ people around the Arah entrance regularly before the 9/25 dungeon patch on my server. People that were having fun, I would assume, since they repeatedly came back. After the patch, it’s surprising to see 10+ people outside of the Arah entrance. While that’s only a small sample size, I believe it sends a pretty clear message. I’ve seen your posts and I understand that you may be having fun. Everyone that I’ve talked to doesn’t share your view on it.

If they allowed dungeon tokens to be sold on the TP, it would allow people to play the way they want and still obtain rewards they were interested in. They could completely ignore dungeons if they wanted to and the people that enjoyed the dungeons could do them and be rewarded beyond an armor set, as they could sell excess tokens. I suppose that could work as well, similar to what it was in GW1.

Remove Rewards from Dungeon Exploiter's?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trik.1039


A better approach would be to remove dungeons completely until they work correctly and are fun for a large percentage of players. That whole “Is it fun?” blog post comes to mind. Seems like they tossed that thought line right out the window.

Giganticus Lupicus needs to be nerfed...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trik.1039


If they would remove the Gift of Zhaitan requirement from the legendary staff, I could happily ignore Arah. However, because it’s there and I want the staff, I have to deal with poor game design. I am defining poor game design as something that requires too much time, too high of a learning curve and doesn’t provide enough of a reward. Designing game content that maybe 20% of your players will ever see is foolish in my opinion.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Trik.1039


As Henge of Denravi’s new herald of how awesome we are I am ready to prove it with this graph. You can’t argue with mathematics and science and this proves it so all you complainers can stop the tears any time now. Just give us your towers and supply camps and log out because we need the realm bonuses so we can complete Arah explorable mode.


HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Trik.1039



Everyone who plays on HoD says – “there’s no problem, go recruit people”.

The developer at ANet says – “it’s our hope that people move from the populated servers to less populated servers”

Oceanic players say – “why would we leave a low queue, high rank server where weve already built guild influence and relationships?”

Everyone else says – “WvW is fun for a couple days, and then I don’t bother because it’s impossible and I’m not wasting any more of my money or time”

That’s unfortunate. It sounds like it’s completely out of your hands. You should probably just give up. If that’s what the ‘best prime time’ servers would do…

If they change the game, lets make it so it only counts points when all of the online players in my guild can get into WvW. Having them sit in queue during prime time isn’t fair and the points shouldn’t count, since they don’t accurately represent my guild’s performance. That is sarcasm, but it’s pretty much what the scoring change requests sound like.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Trik.1039


Fact is WvW is 24×7. If your server is weak during certain periods of time then do something about it instead of complaining.

Yea let us stay up 24/7 negating: Friends, Family, Life so we can pvp and hold points in wvw.

Personally, I would recommend talking to prominent Oceanic guilds that may take advantage of the free server transfers currently offered. Seems like the better alternative to me.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Trik.1039


HoD is a joke. My gamer tag is on the left try to prove me wrong we can go anytime in the mists. But when you get stomped your NAME will be showing in a fraps video posted on these forums.

sPvP and WvW are very different. You run specs in WvW that you would NEVER run in sPvP because the objectives are different and the number of people involved is VERY different. I would also like to throw out there that ‘stomping people’ in a video game is something that should be added to a resume. Yes, it’s THAT important. (Or was it completely unimportant and no one really cares? I get those mixed up sometimes.)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Trik.1039


But there IS something standing in the way… you see, all oceanic players currently have a server to play on.

I believe transfers are still free. No matter what, some server is going to have more Oceanic players than another. If you were Oceanic time, I would expect you to want a more populated server for PvE purposes during your prime time. It would be great if a few servers had a heavy Oceanic and US presence because the WvW would just be that much more epic. However, it’s sort of on SBI, ET and JQ to recruit an Oceanic presence.

Regarding winning all the time, I agree. I think any one server should lose when two other servers of similar WvW presence actively target them. That’s not saying the other two servers completely ignore each other, but calling one server as primary target should pretty much force a loss on them. It’s a mechanic that prevents one server from dominating WvW forever.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Trik.1039


WvW as it stands is primarily about numbers. You can’t see half (or sometimes the majority) of enemies when you run into them anyways. It’s about who has more AoE and more bodies to absorb AoE. There is some skill involved, but that is significantly diminished with server lag and rendering issues. That being said, WvW is about numbers ALL of the time, not just weekends or prime time. TA intentionally includes European and Oceanic guilds for 24/7 coverage. There is nothing stopping any other server from doing the same. If you know the rules of the game ahead of time and you plan ahead to maximize your potential within that rule set, I believe it’s called strategy.

Also when looking at WvW being a numbers game WITH a cap on each side (on each map), it is easy to see that any server that is the target of two servers should lose by design, assuming all servers have all WvW slots filled. If each server can have X players and server B and server C both attack server A from different directions, server A must defend at each location with roughly X/2 players while server B and server C can attack at each location with roughly the full X number of players. It’s pretty basic math. It’s only “even” when each server is pushing in two directions with around X/2 players. Yes, I am aware this oversimplifies things, as there are players that defend objectives and small groups that cap objectives in enemy territory, but it conveys the idea adequately.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trik.1039


Still bugged on Henge of Denravi. Last thing I need for map completion and it’s pretty much impossible to get unless I want to stay up till 3am EST and hope for a server reset. :/

Rune of the Pack (4) piece bonus proccing when hit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trik.1039


Also, the +50 power does not apply at 3 pieces. Half the reason I bought the whole rune set was to have an effect that would proc on attack rather than when hit. When hit procs are fairly useless on any glass cannon type build.

Superior Rune of the Pack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trik.1039


Here is the description from the rune.

(4): 5% chance to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness when you attack. (Cooldown: 10s)

I REALLY hope they fix it to work as described rather than change the text to when hit. All the procs when hit don’t really help glass cannon type builds. You know, the type that would probably be interested in this set.

Edit: Also, the (3): +50 Power is not being added on your character sheet when 3 runes are equipped.

(edited by Trik.1039)