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Achieving a good leaderboard score probably requires to execute extremely precise #1 and #2 moves. None of this is required, however, to get gold with a decent margin.
You don’t need to use #1 to jump over edges.
On a regular run, I use the skill exactly 6 times and only once, which doesn’t require precise positioning at all, to jump between platforms. I could do that jump without using any transformation skill and still get gold with some spare seconds left.As for skill #2, I use it three times, none of them again on a platfporm small enough to require precise timing or positioning.
It really looks like you’re trying to get silver/gold by using advanced moves which are not even remotely required.
The small area I’m talking about is after checkpoint 5 and right before 6. It’s very small for the hop that 2 performs.
Overall I think we just have a difference of opinions. I’ve used these mechanics and I genuinely believe them to be too clunky. They make the adventure too hard in my opinion.
Those are some good tips. I didn’t know about the screen shake thing.
I do think doable and punishing are two different things. Something that is punishing can be doable. When I say punishing I mean that the adventure, as a whole, requires alot of precision that the skills don’t help with.
Should all content be doable by everyone. No, then there’d be no incentive, but I believe that adventures give two mastery points for a reason. Silver should be doable with a little bit of practice. Gold should be doable with an understanding of the mechanics and a bit of precision. Anything beyond that is for the leaderboards.
There are other options available to me, but it is a shame that I can’t complete this content because it is too punishing.
Simply put this content is not ok. (Keep in mind all of these complaints are directed towards getting gold/silver in Fungus Amoung Us)
This adventure needs to be fixed because it is punishing. To achieve gold you need to have a godly amount of precision to actually finish within the time.
Lets look at the 1 skill. The issue with this ability is that it is very awkward to use. You perform 3 hops that can leap you over edges. It’s too hard to master. The mechanic itself isn’t necessarily the problem. The issue stems from the layout of the course and the amount of precision it requires.
Now looking at the 2 skill. This one is a mess. You perform a jump, which will give you access to another jump. If you try to perform the jump too early it will hop you in place, wasting alot of time. To make matters worse there is a time limit, so you need to know your range otherwise you’re probably going to mess up.
Now lets looks at the latter half of the course (after you pass through the waterfall). The first punishing issue is the falling rocks section. The area is congested which means your camera may get blocked by the hanging vines. It’s happened to me many times. Next is the fact that the rock cause screen shake. How am i supposed to navigate a tight space when my screen is all of the place.
The next issue is after you pass the checkpoint on the tree (Checkpoint 5 i believe) you have to perform a 1 hop perfectly to make it on to the tree. If you are lucky enough to make it onto the branch you then go down to a very small platform. The issue is that the platform has just enough space to perform a 2 jump, otherwise you fall to your death. It’s just too punishing.
To make matters worse, if you have any form of lag it makes executing on these exponentially worse. I would almost say that if you experience any lag, your run is basically over.
What all of this is trying to show is that this content is too punishing for players to complete. The fact that mastery points are tied to this makes it all the worse. Once mastery points are tied to something it becomes required (somewhat) to progress.
My guess is that the tablet will function like the spirit weapons underwater. Perhaps the 6 will move it to whatever you’re targeting.
Think about it this way. The Revenant’s core legends are all about being the purest form of their roles. Vantari heals and cleanses. That’s all it does. Mallyx will only do condi damage. ect.
Now the Revenant is unique in that it can (kinda) dual spec between two different roles. You can tank and heal if you run Jarlis and Ventari with Nomad gear. That can be very powerful and it is the main reason it feels like a jack of all trades class.
Since the Revenant can switch between their legends and weapons so easily it is able to switch between two different rolls at the drop of a hat while the other professions can’t. That, to me, makes them unique.
Everything felt pretty good to me except one thing. The Facet of Nature button covers up the ^ arrow when selecting legends.
It didn’t break anything, but the Facet button could be moved up a little bit.
Edit: It also does this in the character menu as well.
(edited by Tritone.1395)
It didn’t do bad DPS. It did selfish DPS.
Hahaha that’s really funny. I like that.
I guess I think you have a point, but at the same time it will get fixed. I like to think that ANet will not only fix the issue you are having with the class, but give you another legend to add to your condi build. Crummy that it won’t be in the base class, but given everything the devs have to work on for the expansion I would imagine that this decision was made early on.
Tritone.1395 – “Elite Specializations. The magical fix for everything in the game!!!” raindows
First off calm down.
So we have to do all the HoT content with sub par conditions. As the only class with sub par ranged condi application…. to wait for another expansion… three years from now…. and that’s “careful planning”?
They never said they’d only release elite specializations during expansions. Personally I think they’re going to release more through the living world. In fact if they release a ranged condi weapon with the next elite specialization I would say that it was careful planning.
The necro had a good Damage weapon. Death Shroud.
I’m pretty sure the entire community was in agreement that the Necromancer fell short in the DPS department. You can crit 100% of the time in Death Shroud? Cool. I can do it too as a Revenant, but here’s the difference. I can do it 100% of the time. You have to leave the shoud eventually.
It can be fixed with hammer traits,
Why would they add a condition trait to the Retribution line? Oh, add it to the Corruption line. Nope, that’s for mallyx and M/A. If you just want to add condi damage to some of its skills then run Sigil of Earth with Rampager/Rabid gear. (Crits for Condis 2015)
ALL of the fractal content, and Hot content needs to be able to be done melee only. (which for fractals, at least… cant be)
So now fractals are impossible to you because you can’t apply condis at range… Well did you ever notice that mallyx’s skills have 600 range? Is it alot? No, but it is range. Also, you can still bring a hammer and autoattack the thing. Sure it isn’t applying conditions, but it isn’t like you’re standing there because you can’t do anything.
They need to tell us why they left it out.
I think I have the answer. Scope. In the gaming industry scope means what is feasible to accomplish in the given amount of time. They are releasing ALOT of content with this expansion. Maybe they just don’t have the time to feasibly add a ranged condi weapon into the game because it would take too long. It’s not as simple as copying some Shortbow skills from one profession into another. Alot of skills will need to have custom animations to fit the revenant which is alot of work.
To wrap this all up. Let me show you how this could be careful planning:
Me: I want a ranged condi weapon
ANet: Ok here’s a new elite specialization
Me: I want a melee control/defense weapon
ANet: Ok here’s a new elite specialization
Me: I want a ranged support weapon
ANet: Ok here’s a new elite specialization.
That’s 3 elite specialization weapons that they can make. Just because I can’t support from range with a weapon doesn’t mean I can’t support at all.
(edited by Tritone.1395)
That’s just how the cookie crumbles I guess. One profession is going to be revealed last and unless they reveal every elite specialization before the BWEs this was going to happen. It’s a shame, but hey. That just means we need to go ham on the engi elite when it comes out.
Internal testing just can’t compare to the sample size of the playbase. It’s a problem that’s always going to be there. :/
People in this thread saying that the Revenant sucks without Herald and I’m sitting here laughing my butt off cause I get by just fine in all game modes without it.
That’s why they have Invocation. So you can mix and mesh the base legends if you want.
The real question is why does it feel that way?
I think the answer is that every legend (other than glint) is the barebone version of that role. Jalis is a tank. Ventari is a healer. There isn’t really an in-between with these legends.
Now Glint on the otherhand has multiple uses. Use it to boost your damage with permanent fury. Use it to tank with perma protection or regen. You could even argue it can go condi with might and Elemental Burst.
Basically I think that Glint feels essential because she works well with every legend while all the others only seem to work well her.
Ok, lets take a look at the Necromancer. Everyone disliked that the Necromancer didn’t really good damage weapon. What did ArenaNet do? They added the Reaper elite. The elite specialization system allows them to add things to classes that they are lacking. The profession was missing something at launch, so they used an elite specialization to fix it.
I want to repeat something I said earlier because I think it is important: “The Revenant was originally intended to use 1 weapon set.” With that in mind is it really that hard to believe that they wouldn’t add a ranged condi weapon since they already had M/A.
If that still doesn’t satisfy you then consider this. ArenaNet knew they were adding Elite Specializations to the game. They knew they would need things to add to the professions, so they decided to make the Revenant only cover the basics. This allows them to add a ranged Condi weapon because that is something the Revenant doesn’t have right now. Not including a condi-ranged weapon is not a “glaring oversight” it is careful planning.
I personally think ArenaNet chose not to add a ranged condi weapon yet because they want to add it for an elite specialization. Don’t forget that the originally intended for the Revenant to not weapon swap. Because of this they tied each weapon with a legend.
I guess what I’m trying to say is rest assured that a condi ranged weapon will be given to the Revenant eventually. At least in my opinion.
Pew Pew Pew!
I actually like
This is my feedback for the Revenant Open Beta this weekend. Just as a frame of reference I didn’t play PvP, WvW, or Stronghold while playing the Revenant. However, I did run dungeons, world bosses, and Vinewrath with the Revenant. With that out of the way, here’s my opinions of the Revenant.
Revenant as a Whole
To start off I am going to say that I enjoy the Revenant for the most part. I think the profession is unique and plays well overall. With what I was able to gather from this weekend I can honestly say I want to play a Revenant. Main it? Probably not. Play it. Definitely!
Some will criticize the current weapons because they are closely tied to a legend. I agree with this a for the most part. If I was playing Staff I felt like I needed to go Ventari and HealingPower. It’s a little sad that this is the case, but I think A-Net is trying to make roles like Tank and Healer seem as important as DPS.
On the otherhand I felt like I had some wiggle room with the weapons. I ran Staff with Jalis and it felt really nice to constantly apply vulnerability with my auto attacks. It was like I was supporting my party with small heals, debuffs, and tankiness. I also ran Mace/Axe with Ventari and Jalis. With that build it felt like I combined all three roles into one of my own. I guess what I am trying to say is that while the weapons feel very tied to a legend it isn’t a hard lock. It is possible to do something unique, but it takes some creative thinking (or in my case stubbornness to use M/A without Mallyx).
There is one thing I think the Revenant’s legends bring to the game that makes me really excited. Truly synergizing skills. Not sure what I mean? Think of it this way. Could the Ventari skills (all of them) really exist on another class? I would say no. Ventari interesting in that you get a lot of cool skills revolving around the tablet and its placement. No other class really has that much control over a pet/object to make this possible. Because of this players are able to create cool combos with a kit that has been carefully designed to allow these cool situations (just like in MOBAs).
I’ll be blunt, I don’t like Mallyx. I thought I would, but I was wrong. In a group he is useless because allies keep removing your conditions. I want those conditions. I need those conditions to pass onto the enemy. On top of that I feel like Mallyx almost requires you to get the Corruption trait that gives you resistance when using a Mallyx skill. Even when I was able to pass conditions it didn’t feel rewarding and that to me is terrible.
Perhaps he is good in PvP
Jalis to me feels the closest to other classes 6-0 skills. A lot of his skills are good and they work with eachother, but each skills could be a standalone skill. This makes Jalis the best legend (in my opinion) for players who want to play the Revenant similarly to other professions. I don’t really have much to say about Jalis other than that. He is fun and easy to use.
Just like the staff I thought I would hate Ventari. He skills revolving around a tablet seem very micromanage-ey. While this is kinda true I was able to play it without much effort. For the most part I would place my tablet where I wanted. Then I would spam 8 while paying attention to my allies health. It made me feel like a healer, but I was able to do other things than just heal. This makes it a great legend to use in my book, but only if you want to heal.
Final Words
The popular opinion (that I noticed) over the weekend seemed to be that the Revenant seemed lack luster. Personally I think this is bogged down by the fact that we couldn’t really play a damage role yet. Yes we had condition damage, but with Berserker being as popular as it is this wasn’t really good enough. I think that this caused people to lower their opinion of the Revenant before we’ve really seen what it can do (I’m looking at you Glint).
In the end I can say that I enjoyed my time as the Revenant. The weapons were all fun to play with and the legends all felt very focused which creates interesting forms of play. I can’t wait to see which legends they reveal next, how they play, and how they change up the ones we currently have.
Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope my views helped.
PS – Seriously though Staff-4 blast finisher. Make that a thing.