Took a couple of days to get debugging in on this. It is in fact a 40ms difference which equates to about 7% less damage when spamming 1. We made this change because it was creating some animation bugs to leave it where it was. It was also encouraging just spamming 1 which isn’t the most fun gameplay. If our data shows shortly that shortbow is now not effective we can certainly address that, but would do so by improving other skills on that weapon rather than by reintroducing the spam on 1 and the bugs that it was creating.
I think I agree with the many other posters who’ve said WHAT ANIMATION BUG??? I’d rather have my head on backwards and arrows shooting out my butt when I’m using a shortbow than get nerfed. And why is quickening zephyr only 50 percent as effective with this 40 ms nerf? Obviously for many, many rangers shortbow had become the only “fun” build to play so you set out to “fix” the crossfire spam by nerfing shortbow rather than improving other abilities and builds? And why is Anet running around with the nerfbat at such a critical time as populations have started to thin out anyway?
I used to count around 25 hits during quickening zephyr pre-nerf. Now I’m counting about 12 or 13 hits during qz. Maybe somebody at anet accidentally added a zero on the supposed 40 millisecond nerf.