I like the way A-net reviews how the mechanics eventually evolve into a play style or strategy and attempt to change these mechanics to make the fights more enjoyable. However (and there is always a however in life) I have a concern.
Many times, the reason you have to res-rush, as it is described, is to maintain agro. If the party wipes, the boss returns back to it’s original position and all the damage that had been done up to that point disappears as it breaks agro and regens. This is one of the most frustrating parts of dungeons, in my opinion. Someone has to maintain agro at all times or the fight must start over.
If, with the elimination of the use of wp, there is a corresponding elimination of out-of-combat regen, then this will work well. Otherwise, this will cause the fights to go on forever if the group looses members to death as the remaining members must fight to the end with reduced damage.
Currently, there is not an option to break combat to allow party members to wp unless you want to start the fight over. That would introduce a rather unenjoyable element to the fights.