Showing Posts For Tun.5697:

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Tun.5697


Specific Mode

Proposal Overview
Most proposals seem to suggest profound changes to the class mechanism. IMHO, that would be problematic. The main problem of this class remains the reliance on her mostly unreliable Pet. To be specific, Ranger share almost half of her damage ability with her Pet, but the Pet inevitably die instantly in most situations. That gives player of notion of Ranger having lower damage capability than other classes.

Goal of Proposal

  • Improve Pet survivability.
  • Improve Pet ability to hit moving target.

Proposal Functionality

  • The Pet Evades!: Pets are able to evade (yes, not dodge). The evasion happens when the ranger whistle alarm to the pet (using one of the mechanic bar slot). The pet have only ONE bar of stamina.
  • Powerful F2: The F2 skill further offer additional offensive/defensive capabilities. E.g.: Bird’s F2 have evade animation; Bear’s F2 grant Protection…
  • Dangerous Link: Offer a minor Master trait (or major Adept trait) allow pet to have evade animation when the Ranger dodge.
  • Attack Like Jagger: Improve the pet’s ability to hit moving targets.

Associated Risks
None, since most of the changes are minor and affect the pet only. Additional balancing would be required though.