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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turt.4905


i dont understand this kittening at all. u mad.

it was OK for everyone that the game have fine->masterwork->rare->exotic gear progression, and now when decides to put one more in between exotic and legendary for whatever reason ppl start kittening and saying that ‘they will leave the game’ and ‘ask for refund’, oh c’mon, you cant be serious.

1 more tier set != gear treadmill. qqmore.

Another tier set, in addition to a promise of ways to upgrade it further with each content update. That’s what makes it an explicit gear treadmill. Even then, adding another tier is still problematic.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turt.4905


Even aside from this being a huge mistake and poor change of direction for the game, going back on a design manifesto your developers have touted for years leading up to its release 3 months after your most loyal base has bought the game is an incredibly dishonest and scum-baggy thing to do. I have over a thousand hours invested in the game and have not even come close to running out of things to do, but the knowledge that if I stop playing the game for a short period of time, I will have a necessary gear grind to catch up on in order to be on the same level as everyone else has killed my desire to play this in the long-term. Maybe the new carrot will scare a large amount of players into putting down the game and keep the population consistent and profits steady. But at a cost you’ve hurt those who believed in your manifesto more than you did.

Would it still be offensive to you if Ascended items were just ever a single tier of gear and the only thing that they ever added after this were new types of infusions that only had an impact on the deeper more challenging parts of dungeons (assuming that they use the Fractals model of increasing difficulty)?

Yes, a gear grind that has a limited impact still has an impact, and goes against what they promised.