Showing Posts For Twiceasnice.7961:

SEA area got lagging issue, few days now

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


For what it’s worth, GW2 was completely unplayable due to lag for the longest time – essentially forcing me to quit the game. Took me FOREVER to find out what the cause was (it wasn’t Anet or my ISP)..

In the end, (and this is dumb), but I found the cause to be having Blizzard’s launcher open in my system’s background. As soon as I closed it ended the background processes associated with it… lag gone

Thought it worth mentioning as it caused me to stop playing the game for over a year before I managed to figure out the cause, so I guess look at any common programs you guys could have in the background that could conflict with GW2

Absolutely Insane Lag Spikes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


This may help someone;

For months (6+) I had been getting unplayable lag spikes which caused me to give up the game. Tried lots of things and all of the suggestions on the forums here didn’t help.

Just recently I managed to pin point to interfering software.. Blizzard’s desktop app… as soon as I closed it and ended the related processes – lag GONE! I wish I had known about this 6 months ago, hope this helps someone else

Extreme lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


Has there been any solutions found to this yet?

Extreme lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


Game has been unplayable for literally months (onwards of 6 months now), lag spikes to 1000+ ms, can anyone help me decode this tracert?

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 15 ms 7 ms 10 ms
2 7 ms 8 ms 8 ms
3 9 ms 14 ms 9 ms
4 9 ms 8 ms 9 ms [20]
5 8 ms 16 ms 8 ms [20]
6 9 ms 11 ms 9 ms [203.5
7 10 ms 12 ms 9 ms [203.
8 8 ms 11 ms 12 ms [202.
9 12 ms 11 ms 9 ms [202
10 150 ms 147 ms 147 ms [202.
11 148 ms 145 ms 146 ms [202.40.14
12 188 ms 188 ms 189 ms []
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 223 ms 224 ms 221 ms
16 233 ms 222 ms 224 ms []
17 222 ms 223 ms 223 ms []
18 228 ms 226 ms 230 ms []
19 222 ms 221 ms 223 ms []

Trace complete.

What is the next step? Appreciate any help as I’d love to start playing again!!

LATENCY/LAG The problem never end!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


Having a similar problem. Really want to pick the game back up, but is essentially unplayable due to lag.
I have a very solid cable internet connection (was downloading a game at 9.7mb/s last night). WoW plays at a stable 9ms on a local server.

But with GW2, my ping is so volatile, it jumps from 200 to 1200 and seemingly any action causes it to spike. How can I diagnose this issue and in turn resolve it?

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


I think there’s about 15 BG for every SoS player… good times!

How Much Money Have You Spent - Gem Store?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


Ashamedly, none.. Planning on changing that very shortly as I’ve only recently returned to the game (and subsequently wondered why I stopped playing in the first place!)

GW2 Deficient in Hardcore Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


Personally (as a former hard-core WoW raider), I miss similar content. I know that Guild Wars 2 is the wrong avenue to reciprocate this experience, but I believe that the implementation of something along the lines of 10-15 man dungeons (different from raids mind you) would greatly increase my enjoyment and extend the playability of the game for myself. Think back to UBRS / Scholo days, that’s what I miss and I think Arenanet would be able to improve upon the roots set down by other games.

I can’t get PUGs or even my own guild mates to run Twilight Arbor with me. They all just want to do their own thing. If you mention CoF, they jump all over that opportunity, but not TA. I can’t imagine trying to get 15 people to do a large scale dungeon with.

With the proper incentives, people will run the dungeons.

WvWvW World Exporation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


I am one Vista / one Point of Interest (both in the same server keep) short of 100% world completion – this is the most populated servers keep. My server seems to get thrashed each week so although I’m checking every few hours for map control, I’ve had no luck.

Oh well!

GW2 Deficient in Hardcore Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twiceasnice.7961


Personally (as a former hard-core WoW raider), I miss similar content. I know that Guild Wars 2 is the wrong avenue to reciprocate this experience, but I believe that the implementation of something along the lines of 10-15 man dungeons (different from raids mind you) would greatly increase my enjoyment and extend the playability of the game for myself. Think back to UBRS / Scholo days, that’s what I miss and I think Arenanet would be able to improve upon the roots set down by other games.