Showing Posts For Twisted.9358:

1/11/13 - Dragonbrand / Yaks Bend / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Twisted.9358


Day Crews doing 10:45 PST woohooo go Dragonbrand!

Greetings Dragonbrand. I have to say, I was pretty impressed when I saw the screen shot of your full control of EB. Bravo! Shame you had to drop down to 400 potential points to achieve it, but good job nonetheless. All of us over here on Crystal Desert are watching your progress with great interest.

I thought that perhaps you too would be a bit interested in what you’ll be facing next week when you join us in our tier. Here are a couple of screens of our WvW performance from about an hour ago (7:00 AM PST 1-17-13). See you soon.


Naldina Valenteria – lvl 80 Engineer
Get of Fenris [GoF]
Crystal Frickin Desert

Sw supply camp needs a fix

in WvW

Posted by: Twisted.9358


The bottom line is this; you should be invulnerable while in your spawn zone, but once you leave that zone and enter combat you should lose invulnerability. The tiny invulnerable spot is clearly a glitch. One team shouldn’t have a small spot of spawn invulnerability to fall back to in a battle. Once they drop off the cliff they are not supposed to be able to re-enter their spawn, which is effectively what’s happening. Yes it should be seiged up and defended, but the little safe spot is simply an exploited bug and everyone who falls back to it should be perma-banned for exploiting.

Oh wait, it doesn’t have an impact on A-Net’s gold market so it’s not a bannable exploit.


Naldina Valenteria – lvl 80 Engineer
Get of Fenris [GoF]
Crystal Frickin Desert