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"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twizya.4075


Man i love this, Guild Wars 2 have changed a lot, “Play how you want to” is completely gone… and every update its like the make the rope tighter and tighter… oh great we have tons of Styles appeal … but no content.

I love to multi-box! I’ve multibox on many other MMORPG but with so many restrictions… and hey SURPRISE the post for multibox/macro is gone does that mean that a ban stick is coming??

Well in short.. my love for MMORPG is fading really fast.
Best of lucks Anet, its been fun!

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twizya.4075


I have not completely quit the game. I have moved away, but I am keeping an eye on it, and I will probably play from time to time.

The game has good and bad. Unfortunately, for me, the bad (personal opinions, mind you,) has slowly begun to outweigh the good.

The good:

1. Beautiful Graphics
2. No competition for nodes and resources, and everyone gets credit for mobs.
3. Dungeons are optional
4. Uber Gear is optional (unless you’re doing fractals and certain elite (notice I didn’t say “elitist”) content
5. No forced PvP unless you want (insert benefit here)
6. Downleveling

The Bad:
1. Changes to traits and skills – They may not be bad, generally, but I don’t personally like them.
2. When there’s no LS, there’s not a lot to do once you’re done leveling to 80 unless you like dungeons or ride the boss trains
3. Sameness – Everyone looks like everyone else
4. Risk vs. Reward – It’s not like I want bags of gold for doing menial tasks, but when you receive 6s for an epic battle when things you need are 100’s of gold, it’s demoralizing.
5. Once you’ve seen the map, you’ve seen the map.
6. Alternate leveling sucks. Do the same hearts and PS quests over and over again, but forget about leveling through any other activity unless a) you don’t mind spending months to get to 80 or b) you’re rich and can buy all the mats to craft your way through (insert number of levels here.)
7. Zerg vs. Zerg – no concerted effort to employ tactics. SImply grab 100 of your closest friends and go DPS the hell out of your objective and the rest be kittened. Which brings me to:
8. No place for pure support builds. I can buff, debuff, protect the DPSers, whatever, but if I can’t DPS enough, I’m not going to get diddly when it’s over.
9. Megaserver – This was almost the last straw. I can’t even play with my friends without jockying for space on the server. It was so much better (for me) without it.

The game started out brilliantly, but over the past couple years (including betas) it has evolved into a game I no longer “love.” I still like a lot about it, but I find that as time goes by, there’s less and less of the things I like.

I like the game. I just don’t love it any more. If they move back toward the way it used to be at the beginning, I will play more.

Man get out of my head!!!

Loot = Why We Play (Stop the Nerf)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twizya.4075


Is anyone else getting slightly tired of GW2’s stance on. If they can actually gain loot, make sure you nerf it. So they cannot get loot.

I am not sure if they realize. But there are only three huge reasons anyone plays a video game:

Loot. (Fun for people who loves shinies, and gives them something to do.)
PvE/PvP. (Fun for the people who just want to kill everything. And be challenged.)
Story. (Fun for the people who love immersion and suspension of reality.)

Why do people PvE? For story, to kill things, and loot. Lots and lots of ungodly loot.


So why nerf Loot? If people play for loot?

Gold -> Gems conversion.

If you are going to nerf the game into oblivion just because people can exchange gold. Please just remove Gold -> Gems entirely. So we can play the game and have our loot.

Stop punishing us because it hurts your currency conversion. Just get rid of the conversion like D3 got rid of the Auction House. And then let us have our loot.


And if it does not hurt your currency conversion? Stop nerfing the loot, so we can actually have a reason to keep playing.

Man, I so agree with you, but nothing is going to change if people don’t complain… now a days they just switch to something else or stop playing.
I love GW1 and GW2, but GW2 has become a huge monopoly. Take away the gold people must buy gem to get some gold….. Sooo in reality about 200g is equal to $20.00 USD then?? Even the Gold seller must be suffering from all these nerf lol poor people.


in Community Creations

Posted by: Twizya.4075


Just Giving my support!!.. This addon loooks siiiicckk!!!