Showing Posts For Two.4159:

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Two.4159


I dont know if this will help me but I am very upset, I didnt even get a whisper, they terminated me while I was creating a champion (although I did hear the sound it makes when you get a whisper while creating the champ) so I am going to post my ticket here to hopefully help make sure this issue is resolved.

“I bought guild wars 2 at walmart for 60$s 12 days ago, I hit 80 yesterday while crafting and today while I was creating a new character (a mesmer) it kicked me off, when I tried to log back in it said my account has been terminated because of botting, I am a very calm mannered person but to terminate someones account for botting who has never botted is very upsetting. Every moment I have played I have been doing quests, WvW or crafting, there is no possible way for me to have botted any of that, the only thing I can think of as to what could have caused this is I left my computer idle to go mow my lawn and take the leaves out of the gutter, when I came back 2 hours later I was dead but still logged in (I believe its supposed to kick you after 30 minutes of idle). An explanation as to why I am accused of this as soon as possible would make me feel better, I had a WvW event planned with my guild for tonight which I will now miss which is very upsetting.
Thank you for your help. ( I would call but no support number was listed)