Showing Posts For Tyco.2964:

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Tyco.2964


Its not their hard victorys its desolations hard victorys thats a diff ruin is not desolation.
We have lots of good helpfull guilds on deso ruin is one off them. And we where second last week so it was hard;) srry for my bad english iam drunk and dutch;)

Cya on the battele field where we belong and not on the forums fighting the war there!

Gz Drunkstar [IRON]

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Tyco.2964


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Tyco.2964


I’d recommend moving to Arborstone or Vizunah. We are doing 5v20 (at least) every night against [ruin] and they still claim “no PvD” and “significant challenges”.
Think of what we could do if we were at least 10..

I just got this off a threat on this forum and it was from a VZ player.
I dont really get this…. Why do you also promote arborstone when its your enemy??? This threat was about getting na guilds to eu…… Anyway i have respect for you guys keep up the great fights!

Cya on the battle field!

Drunkstar [IRON]

Transferring to a different server.

in WvW

Posted by: Tyco.2964


Hi Sirenic

Are you guys a eu guild?
We can use some more eu on desolation to cover the daytime.
At night we have americans to cover the map. Bud at daytime we can use some more support. We have a alliance ts server with some guilds and have alot of fun in there. You can always contact me ingame. Desolation is aiming to get in Tier1 again and compeet against other servers with 24/7 wvw.

Maybe see you in game you can always whisper me in game and we can talk on ts then!

Gz Drunkstar Desolation

Necros are Cool!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tyco.2964


Hey guys just wanna tell you that i just love my necromancer in wvw and pve.

I run a scepter/dagger staff 0/30/10/0/30 build and i can beat many classes 1v1
I use blood is power, epidemic, corrosive cloud,spectral walk,spectral grasp, and that skill to convert boons into conditions.

Pulling people off the wall when a keep seige is going on is just so fun!
Hopping in and out of DS is the way to win the 1vs1 also i use plaque as my elite.

Plaque is so strong i can get the sentry gard down to 30% just with plaque.

Any1 know so other fun stuff to do as a necro in wvw that i should try?

And pls let me know what build skills you use to be good in 1vs1.

Show some love for the necro! There not many in wvw!

Gz Drunkstar desolation