Showing Posts For Typhlan.3150:
Hello, I recently bought a new character slot due to already filling up my other ones. I decided to take the opportunity to unlock a few of the starter skins before creating my proper character. The first time it went as normal, with the camera acting as it should. However, after deleting that character and proceeding to character creation again, the camera stopped working correctly:
The camera no longer seems to adjust to the various character heights properly. Neither a restart of the game or even the system solved the issue. I’m not sure how to solve this, so any ideas? I can provide more information if needed.
(edited by Typhlan.3150)
Hello everyone! I noticed the Endless Common Clothing Tonic in the Trading Post again recently. I think it’s quite lovely! It’s like a cultural outfit, with different looks for different races. Unfortunately, it can’t be dyed, so you can only use a black and red colour scheme!
The good thing is, since it was once considered Town Clothing, it already comes supplied with dye channels for colouring it. If this item was instead changed into an outfit, it would solve a lot of issues I think! It could even be put onto the Gem Store for sale, or unlocked through some other means. As an introduction to the outfits on the Gem Store, perhaps?
What do you think?