Showing Posts For Tyrelch.8961:

Minion Master: We've been doing it all wrong.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tyrelch.8961


I use a build fairly close to the OPs but I have slotted siphon health and dropped staff for axe/horn. While being the primary “tank” of the pet swarm, axes retaliation increases dps a fair amount and horns daze adds another control and ae. with siphon health and pet siphon I regain approx 500-750 health per second and being heavy toughness built I can usually stay max hps through most pve encounters.

The pets AI is horrible in small scale battles but as they start taking damage they usually respond. The worst part is when pets start dropping off, resummoning can become a problem and at first I did not have Death nova trait slotted. Once slotted I realized how effective it is. ( poison cloud lasts 3 seconds which poisons for 8s which approx 800 free damage with no cond.)

Over all it is a viable build even with the AI being as bad as it is.

Staff & Axe Are NOT Main Weapons

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tyrelch.8961


I use axe as my main weapon, more so becasue a norn isnt a norn without an axe, its dps is less than that of dagger but retaliation can make up for it if getting targeted. Axe however still requires a revamp, 3 should be a blast finisher and 1 and 2 require either more utility or higher damage.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tyrelch.8961


I have the same issue, I would get a random massive fps drop to about 3fps. After tinkering with every possible resource i have found that my GPU was overheating during gameplay. My card (Gforce 8600GT) has ran the game fine prior to a game patch i recieved on 10/09/12. There is no overcloacking applied to my GPU and other games do no have this problem.

Has any one else with the fps issue noticed the same temp increase?