Showing Posts For Tyrion.5243:

Discussion on the new sPvP blog post.

in PvP

Posted by: Tyrion.5243


@Tyrion If you can’t place top 4 in a free tourney, god help you in paid…

You don’t get any tournament tickets in free tourneys (of course through the chests, but not that many, we don’t know how many tickets we need as an entry fee).

Discussion on the new sPvP blog post.

in PvP

Posted by: Tyrion.5243


So players who are not that great and only finish 5-9 place in tournaments, who still want to play in their own brackets against people equally skilled, have to farm gold in PvE or pay rl money in order to play tournaments (because the amount of tickets you get through chests is abysmal).
That doesn’t really motivate teams to get better.
I really thought the gem shop would be “just cosmetic” (and not be affecting PvP at all for that matter) but if this is really going to get patched into the game I will stop playing it. Every aspect of it. That is no threat, no one is going to miss me – but I would be really disappointed because of Anets decision making.

Instead of making the cash shop a mandatory part of PvP try adding some cosmetics on the cash shop that actually look good.