Showing Posts For Tyriun.2986:
So I am able to buy the sinister insignias in SW but when it comes to finding/purchasing the recipe to make sinister gear using the insignia; where do you get that!? I bought an ascended shoulders recipe from the laurel merchant and verata’s gear wasn’t one of the options.
Any help is appreciated
And yet again…..loads of people are disconnecting during world events thus losing out on rewards and credit at the very end.
When will this be fixed? 3 Days of this still……sigh
So, please explain to me dear Anet, you bring out a patch, and the next thing that happends is making it impossible to log-in because of some bug or something?
Good job, once again.
Internet is working 100%, everything is fine, Guild Wars unable to log-in. Wonderful patch!
Same here. All connections fine with everything else but this.
I’m not very good with theory crafting and I am more about practical application, so I do have some questions.
If you’re going to use this in wvw, you still look pretty glass. In a bronze tier server, you can get away with glass more often than not. If memory serves, most phantasm builds run with two damaging phantoms and then pick up the Defender in utilities. Why did you decide against that?
Shatter is predictable, but phantasm requires that you keep them alive as long as possible. Are you intending to shatter as soon as their skill rotation is up?
Going back to you being glass, my next question is on your choice for Valkyrie; why? Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s pretty nice, in my early days as a mesmer (when I was ignorant and naïve) I used a Valkyrie set. But why? Yes, you get a nice boost to your health pool, but that means nothing when your armor attribute is low. People will still chew through you.
Is this meant to be a solo build or a group build? Again, in a bronze tier, it’s easier to get away with a solo build, but much harder the higher your server is ranked.
Assuming you’ve been running this for a while and not just a few days, how does the build handle? What are things you’ve noticed about it?
Okies lemme answer your questions here:
1. I had some success with the glass approach in pvp but actually had more success with it in wvw TBH. Could’ve jsut been certain instances but I was aiming for a somewhat bursty approach but you’re saying to get the toughness up and sacrifice some vitality a bit?
2. Yes the intent was to shatter them once the rotation is up.
3. Valkryie was a choice I made from watching some other bursty phantasm builds. Wanted some HP and some additional ferocity as well. Was originally aiming to have 200% + of it but after running some tests; I think it could stand to be lowered.
4. As far as the defender in the utilities, I actually run that from time-to-time but im just experimenting with those right now. I like the defender most of all TBH but I like to see what other rotations of utilities work well with the build.
Hey guys,
I’ve been trying to come up with a viable balance of the shatter/phantasm build and I’m looking for some feedback. Has anyone found if there is a good build out there that balances both styles of play in a good manner?
Here is my current build:
I’m open to feedback. I toyed with the shatter build for a month or so. I loved the DPS but found that so many people now are well aware of what mesmers are doing if they run shatter plus the clones gotta be pretty close to be effective.
Thank you.