Showing Posts For Tyseyh.1083:
Anyone here think that the AI of dungeon enemies should be changed to stop us stacking? Kind of like the spider queen?
Honestly i hate it so much when people just stack everything.
yes it’s faster but what if you are playing just to have fun. I’ve seen many many people being bad at a profession for example because they never have the chance to play the paths and learn how to play their profession properly /as they were intended because everyone skips everything.
I think the part i dislike the most is how stacking/skipping has become the norm.
What are others views on stacking/ skipping? Do you think it should be changed or left as is?
Guildies light up orange and party members are blue.
How about people in your friends list should be another colour? You know for people that ain’t in your guild, you may miss them when running about kicking kitten and taking names.
I would love to see this happen.
I recently had 6 Runes of the nightmare in my guardians inventory.
I needed 6 for my necromancer but couldn’t use them since they were soul bound.
Farming TA was not particularly fun.
We are hated so much.
Not set on Cooldowns/ Activation times /Duration yet.
Elite Well.
Well of Vamprism.
Whenever you or allies take damage while in the well, you steal X health from that foe.
Not too strong, can be combined with Signet of Vamprism and other vamp like spells/traits without being too OP.