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Hero Points & old characters: breach of trust
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tyyni.2954
However, I cant really get with people implying 3 hours of effort on their pve charachters, is too much effort. If you dont want to spend 3 hours in PVE with your charachter, its likely you dont want to pve with that charachter.
To me this is big issue, and bit too much effort too.
I have 11 accounts, and all accounts have 8 characters. So totally I have 88 characters. I have played them one by one and level them all to level 80. I have all traits and skills open, so literally they are ready for next phase of plan. I have level them by opening waypoints and done all hearts and their stories. Only one of my character have done map completion.
Now when I have got my last character in this point I have started to do crafting and I want to do ascended gears to all of them. So I have started to work for it. I am farming materials and money for them. I know, I am totally late for that and maybe I am last person who is doing it, but that is my goal. To do ascended armor and weapons to all of them.
Now, my situation is this. I have 5,5 hours /week time to play this game. That’s why it has taken so long to level up all of my characters and I am in this crafting part.
So, I need to do more or less 65 skill challenges to rest of my 87 characters now. That kind of characters who have already open all skills and all traits. You say that it will take like 3 hours / 65 skill points and I have 5,5 hours / week time to play this game. So lets calculate:
3 hour x 87 Character = 261 hours
261 hours / 5,5 hours/week = 47, 4 weeks to get done those skill challenges.
That means I am just doing next 47,4 weeks skill challenges every hour what I can play, for those characters who already have opened once all skills and traits. That sounds WASTE OF TIME to me. I am not able to work for those ascended armors for 47,4 weeks.
Now someone asks why do I have so many accounts and so many characters. Just for supporting ArenaNet. I have spend to all these accounts big deal of real life money. I admit, it ends now. I will not spent even one dime for this game and I am not supporting ArenaNet anymore. I won’t even buy expansion, just because of those 47,4 weeks what I need to waste my time for doing something what I have already done once before. Just to get all my core game skills and traits open once again.
My top 3 is:
1. Order Specific Events (Vigil, Priory and Whisper)
2. Racial Titles
+ Prestigous title like GWAMM2
3. Add meaning to existing Personality System (Charm, Dignity and Ferocity)
I would like to say too:
If there is coming new skins to the game (weapons or armors), I hope they are not hiding behind of Back Lion Claim Tickets.
There should be skins what are available from one or some NPC’s, and they could cost Karma points, game gold or Laurels.