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Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UVTC.4072


Turned off the memory X.M.P. profile in bios and AUTO DRAM frequency ON,
24h no crashes.
(X.M.P on before and DRAM locked at 1600MHz).

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UVTC.4072


Continued: running GW2 in windowed mode (1h) and it crashes, have a MSI GTX 570 OC so i tried using MSI Afterburner clocked down the GPU, the game run for an 1 hour then crash! Other games run just fine! Will try Memtest on my 16 Gb of RAM now

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UVTC.4072


Same issue here, Win 7 64bit, GTX 570, i7 2600k. 30 sek to 1h playing then crasch. Moved game from SSD to HDD still crasching, 3 different GPU drivers and crasch. Feels like a bad Betas test!