Showing Posts For Udif.5423:
anyway, if someone finds a world (server) that has significantly more LFD population than usual, please share.
Hey – how about this idea – you need, say, 250 tokens from EVERY dungeon in GW2 to buy an ability to acquire ANY skill in game (from any class skill set)? That is certainly guildsworthy.
I am just wary of Red Posters ending up just upping a chance of yellow drops on dungeon runs. Aint gonna solve bigger issues folks.
To Cerise.9045
So you are doing it for skins or gold. The topic is – some people like me or OP feel that it is not enough to go into dungeons (especially when you are happy with what you have already).
I still like it about new rare skills (equipable to a new slot and maybe bop too). And how about unique class armor skin sets with empasis on class and obtainable only via drops. In any event someting has to be done about enticing players to do dungeons.
Well, was just throwing ideas… You dont like mounts, ok. What’s wrong with skill books (tradable like in WoW)? You could have invis on guardian, or “stand the line” on mesmer? why not? or some fun skills like mass sheeping or whatnot
..or super-rare skill that you cannot acquire otherwise?
in World of eternal Warcraft…
Nuka Cola.8520
Like a rare mount that has a slim chance of dropping from end-boss (tested on many games)
(edited by Udif.5423)
I want a non-unique sense of achievement that only comes to a person what he/she has gotten something truly valuable. I dont consider legendary weapons in GW2 as that goal given their grindy nature.
I’d be bold enough to suggest they borrow some of WoW dungeon ideas (clearly superior design-wise) into GW2. Dungeons feel like an after-thought in GW2.
But again we are talking about skins at most. Is that really worth it in MMO? The skin hunting as sorta endgame is what turned me off.
to Alex.6580
Alex, every game in MMO genre is a series of mini-games, your only true social experience comes from guild raid runs, which is a mini-game in itself (and the resulted sense of brotherhood). You have quasi social experience from event-based levelling system as it allows you to see other players achieving same goal without any communication.
Another “bad apple” here, maybe they’ll count ’em:) Not playing untill this whole dungeon thing is more player-friendly.
Look for another game mate, this one is either funboys who love anything having to do with dungeons or those who hate it. There is no in-between, and there is no truly complelling reason to do them IMHO unlike classic MMOs. I saw guild looking for dedicted dungeons runners on Black Tide though, if you wanna try them, although my server is positioned as hard core wvwvw.
My two cents. I am an older guy and sadly I lost some of my reflexes down the age road. I have been playing most of AAA MMO releases starting with SWG, later on EQ2, surely WoW etc. I am a PvE player, with occational venture into PvP. I have never had such an enjoyment before as I had in GW2 while levelling two of my toons due to its exceptional event based system and wonderfull world design. Never. It was a gulp of fresh air, and it was so addictive and fun.
I ended up with with the gear I wanted and the looks I wanted via karma and gold (last gear piece I had to get doing some HotW runs since it was too expensive on the broker). Since then I tried to like dungeons and I just cannot. Lots of reasons, most of the covered by the OP or elsewhere in this forum section. It’s not fun for me and I don’t even get anything valuable to me by doing them.
As I said I don’t have the reflexes of the young and it appears to be a huge factor in GW2, I even ended up buying Logitech G600 MMO mouse just for GW2 to stay level with all this dodging/strafing while doing abilities – and still no fun. I approach a dungeon run like a soldier in WW1 anticipating some chemical/shelling warfare battle.
At the same time I can sucessfully multibox heroics in WoW (which I am back to doing now) – and that requires quite a lot of tactics – and I have lots of fun doing that. Needless to say that to be able to 5-box WoW I pay more per month than just buying GW2 game. I am not a solo player, and the boxing is just given as an example of how I am willing to support the developers if I like the gameplay (and multi-boxing in GW2 is not even possible).
So, bottomline – great multi-coop RPG game, sadly no endgame; and weird dungeons. I guess I am going to draw some unfriendly fire in this forum, but I felt I needed to say it, and I sure want to return to this game down the road, thus the post.