“it takes a coordinated team who can rely both on themselves and each other, using positioning, combos, and tactics to complete an explo without a wipe.”
this here, gets repeated in every dungeon discussion across the web, with pretty much zero detail on what exactly constitutes positioning, tactics, etc in this game. Where does one go to find specific information on these strategies. Currently I need some help, as I haven’t yet had the opportunity to experiment with every profession.
It is clear from our lack of success that we are missing on strategic elements and group synergy, but there is not nearly enough discussion on any of these forums about what exactly these missing strategies could be. All we are left with is frustrating iterations of guessing which is mainly a community problem, we could do a lot better with sharing of successful strategies for the specific problems we are facing across the various encounters.
The people who have been succesful are not sharing, I really want a thread that goes like “I was able to clear X explorable in Y time with no wipes, my group was composed of these classes with these builds, we played in this fashion to succeed in this difficult encounter”. Whenever I inquire about group composition I get the same line about how there is no trinity, which I am already well aware of. However there is still group composition, there is still a strategy which can maximize synergy and cause fewer wipes. I have found very little helpful information towards composing a group towards smooth dungeon runs.
I understand the ideal is to bring 5 people of any profession, but among those 5 people, we still need to adjust our utility skills, trait selection and gear loadouts in some way to synergize with the other group members and adapt to the encounters we will face. Clearly we cant all bring our glass cannons out and expect to win. There is little to no guidance available in our communities for accomplishing this and it frustrates me that people constantly spout off the need for a new style of strategy, yet fail to specify or even point towards information on building that much needed strategy.
So what is the strategy? where can I find some helpful hints? I’m talking specific information here, not vague things like “learn to dodge, use combo fields” or other obvious things that we are already familiar with from leveling.
This “this isn’t WoW, stop trying to tank, employ dodging and strategy” is an overly gauge and unhelpful statement to people who are struggling with dungeon content. I am not looking for cookie cutters here, but something like a list of things to make sure a group has in the team would be really helpful.
Here is what I think is helpful so far.
-projectile blocking/reflection, like the mesmer dome or the guardian wall
-disabling and interruption, like blinds/daze/stuns
-snare/cripple/chill/knockback effects
-“dummies”, things that the mobs can hit without killing people, like clones, pets, turrets, minions
-condition removal
but we need something better than that, like an ideal list of stuff to bring to make sure you win in a dungeon group, and a description of how to work all these elements together, which classes to look for to fill your group if you are looking for some specific thing, you know, real, usable information that helps us to win the dungeons.