- Just to do an example of the above: Artificial examples of income – A farmer is able to farm 5g worth in loot a day while a casual is able to earn 1g. Let’s say we patch this baby up and increase rare drops by 200%. The casual player is now earning 3g a day and feels better. The farmer however now makes 15g a day. Did this help the situation of the casual player?
You’re missing the point. It’s not about income equality. It’s about access to Ectoplasm and therefore access to Exotics and beyond. So, to answer your question. Yes, it helps the casual player have access to all exotic crafted gear. The price of crafted exotics will fall because the price of Ectos have fallen and anything else that requires Ecto is now more accessible. If the loot tables for everything else remained the same then the casual will have even more accessiblity to exotics because they will earn the same amount per hour and the price of Ectos has fallen. Also the price of rares will fall as well making that tier of gear also more accessible.
Money/Income wasn’t the point.