(edited by VIRAL.9548)
Showing Posts For VIRAL.9548:
Proposal Overview
This would be a very brief and small idea of a simple why that a guild hall could be implemented.
– Firstly a interface that makes sense.
– At least some degree of customization/personalization.
– Guild quest board
Goal of Proposal
The problems with implementing a new type of GUI for the guild hall will take more time and development resources and most likely contain bugs to start with.
Another problem would be how would one go about customizing the hall.
both of these will be explained below.
Proposal Functionality
First the GUI. I would like to see the GUI tie into the current guild panel in the upgrades tab, under a new heading. From there the allowed guild members can purchase rooms. in such a way explain below:
– First room would be the hall. Say the hall as 6 doors.
– Each door can contain an upgrade(room) that takes a certain amount of time to construct.
– The same applies for the second room. That room say has to doors which could contain an upgrade.
In such a way one would be able to customize and move around rooms without the need for a fancy GUI interface. Note a nice map like GUI interface would be a nice implementation later on.
Second. Customization would be done with different types of skins that can be acquired over time this would be a nice way to promote ultra rare guild hall skins that would ultimately show how bada** the guild is. This only thing that I would add is the ability to customize the colour(with the dyes that they have collected) scheme of the skin.
Furniture would be part of the rooms and I would consider the ability to replace of move then in a later update because I feel that the important thing is to get the system up and running first then all these small nice changes can be added over time.
As for the currency I would like to see the guild influence points used note that will be very expensive but maybe a different currency could be used for more rare modifications. Also to help gather the currency a nice guild board inside the hall where players could gather and receive quests related to the world and maybe even post there own quests to some extend.
Associated Risks
As for the risks, I could only think that some players would think of this implementation to be far to simple compared to some implementations in other games, but I do feel that in time the advanced things should be implemented, but for now just get the basics up and running.
Guilds should be a warm and happy place where players can hang out and spend a up-seen amount of time but I should also not replace things that the cities has to offer.
One last note. Guild should be open to all on some extent and not just guild members. Guild must have the ability to brag and show of there guilds.
Please note, I am by far note the most creative guy and this is by far not the best idea I have or the coolest, but as a developer myself, I know that this idea could work in the current state of Guild Wars 2.