Showing Posts For Vanadiel.6407:

Account Restored...thank you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


That is true. My main concern is getting my account compromised again.
I did have a unique username and password, and was still compromised. I do not understand how they were able to retrieve both pieces of information.

I am going to wait a bit to see what happens.

Account Restored...thank you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


My account was compromised, took about 24 hours to get access restored.
I did loose all my characters and “stuff”, so I am not all that motivated anymore to play since they have no ability to restore items or characters…

Still waiting for my Account to be unlocked!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


You have to click the tab “development studio”. They like to bury the information behind tabs…

Still waiting for my Account to be unlocked!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


There is no key logger on my system. Otherwise my accounts with other games would have been compromised also.
I never had an account compromised in the past 10 years, and I do not understand how they were able to retrieve both pieces of information.

Still waiting for my Account to be unlocked!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


Call up NCsoft North America. They have the phone # on their website.

Possible reason why so many Accounts are being 100% lost.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


Another possible reason could be tabbed browsing and a malicious website grabbing your account name when you are logged into the forums.

I mean, it is really necessary to display your account name in plan text on the top right corner of this forum?

Possible reason why so many Accounts are being 100% lost.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


I just changed my own account, and the confirmation e-mail is only sent to the new e-mail address.
The old e-mail address only receives a confirmation the e-mail address was changed, and they hope it was you who changed it.

I have a very simple suggestion to avoid account hijacking and allow people to reset their own account :

- The e-mail address you used to purchase the digital copy of the game, which is linked to your serial code, can not be changed or used as an account e-mail.
- Should your account be compromised, you can use that e-mail address, the serial code and a character name to recover your account.

It would stop the high volume of support calls and people would not have to wait hours and hours to have their account unlocked.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


I just got my own account restored. I did use a unique e-mail address and unique password, and my account was still compromised.
How it is possible, I don’t know.

I changed it again, and this time made both so unique and impossible to remember that I had to print both out in order to know what they are.

been hacked, some questions.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


I just got access to my account restored. All my characters were deleted, so I basically lost everything.
The e-mail I received from them clearly stated they can not restore lost items or characters.

So I would say you are in the same boat as me…